English Grammar Mock Tests

Mastering English grammar is very important for students. Students need good grammar for clear communication and writing.

We offer over 100 English grammar mock tests with answers, detailed explanations, full-result insights, and precise timings. to help improve these skills.

English Grammar Mock Tests

English Grammar Mock Tests

Topic Wise English Grammar Mock Tests

Tests on Nouns

Tests on Pronouns

Tests on Adjectives

Test on Adverbs

Tests on Prepositions

Tests on Conjunctions

Tests on Tenses

Tests on Articles

Tests on Modal Verbs

Tests on Parts of Speech

Active and Passive Voice Tests

Degree of Comparison Tests

Subject Verb Agreement Tests

Punctuation Tests

Vocabulary Tests

Spelling Tests

Comprehensive English Grammar Mock Tests Covering All Topics


  1. 10 questions, 4 options each.
  2. Choose the correct option for each question.
  3. Time – 5 Minutes
  4. Click “Show Result” when done.
  5. Enjoy the quiz!


English Grammar Quiz 1

1 / 10

Combine the sentences using the correct pronoun: "Sophia is a talented singer. Many people admire Sophia."

2 / 10

Choose the sentence with proper comma usage in a contrast or concession element.

3 / 10

We __________ start the meeting as soon as everyone arrives.

4 / 10

What is the synonym for "acrimonious"?

5 / 10

Choose the sentence with the correct use of an apostrophe for plural possession:

6 / 10

Choose the correct adjective to complete the sentence: The marathon runner is the ________ athlete in the competition.

7 / 10

She was late for the meeting because she _______ stuck in traffic. (circumstance)

8 / 10

What is the primary function of adverbs of time?

9 / 10

Which word is an adjective in the sentence: "The old, dusty book sat on the shelf"?

10 / 10

Which of the following is not a noun?

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English Grammar Quiz 2

1 / 10

Complete the sentence with the appropriate pronoun: "Despite the challenges, she completed the project by _____."

2 / 10

Identify the sentence with correct comma usage in a purpose or result element.

3 / 10

You __________ be careful while crossing the road.

4 / 10

Which word means "a person who studies the mind and mental processes"?

5 / 10

Identify the sentence with the correct use of a semicolon to join two independent clauses:

6 / 10

Choose the correct adjective: She baked a ___________ cake for her sister's birthday.

7 / 10

I had to call a locksmith because I _______ my keys inside the house. (mistake)

8 / 10

What type of adverb describes how often actions take place?

9 / 10

What part of speech is "Wow" in the sentence: "Wow, that was amazing"?

10 / 10

Which of the following is not a noun?

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English Grammar Quiz 3

1 / 10

Identify and correct the pronoun error in the sentence: "Us students need more study time."

2 / 10

Identify the sentence with correct comma usage in a location element.

3 / 10

They __________ join us for dinner if they finish their work on time.

4 / 10

Select the word that means "a person who opposes war or violence as a means of resolving conflicts."

5 / 10

Identify the sentence with the correct use of quotation marks for titles of short works:

6 / 10

Which adjective fits in the blank? She has a ___________ cat that loves to cuddle.

7 / 10

They couldn't go hiking because they ________ the proper gear. (lack)

8 / 10

Which type of adverb describes the location or position where an action occurred?

9 / 10

Which word is a conjunction in the sentence: "I want both cake and ice cream"?

10 / 10

Which of the following is not a noun?

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English Grammar Quiz 4

1 / 10

Combine the sentences using the correct pronoun: "Alex is an excellent pianist. Everyone admires Alex."

2 / 10

Choose the sentence with proper comma usage in a quotation.

3 / 10

You __________ consider the consequences before making a decision.

4 / 10

What is the antonym of "magnanimous"?

5 / 10

Choose the sentence with the correct use of a colon within a sentence:

6 / 10

What is the correct adjective for this sentence? The weather today is really ____________.

7 / 10

She wanted to visit her family, but she _______ the money for the plane ticket. (financial constraint)

8 / 10

Which adverb type describes the frequency of actions?

9 / 10

Identify the preposition in the sentence: "She walked through the forest."

10 / 10

Which of the following is not a noun?

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English Grammar Quiz 5

1 / 10

Identify the type of pronoun in the sentence: "The one who discovered the treasure was awarded a medal."

2 / 10

Choose the sentence with proper comma usage in a parenthetical expression.

3 / 10

He __________ have finished the task, but he chose not to.

4 / 10

Choose the word that means "a person who is skilled in or has a deep understanding of a particular subject."

5 / 10

Identify the sentence with the correct use of a colon:

6 / 10

Choose the correct adjective to complete the sentence: The dog is the ___________ of all the puppies.

7 / 10

The chef realized he _______ enough ingredients to make the dish. (shortage)

8 / 10

Which type of adverb expresses certainty and uncertainty, affirmation, or negation?

9 / 10

Which of the following is an article?

10 / 10

Which of the following is not a noun?

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English Grammar Quiz 6

1 / 10

Choose the sentence with the correct pronoun usage:

2 / 10

Identify the sentence with correct comma placement in a compound sentence.

3 / 10

We __________ go to the beach this weekend if the weather is nice.

4 / 10

What is the synonym for "quixotic"?

5 / 10

Which sentence correctly uses quotation marks for dialogue?

6 / 10

What is the correct adjective for this sentence? The car is very ___________.

7 / 10

They had to cancel the outdoor event because it ________ raining heavily. (bad weather)

8 / 10

What do adverbs of degree or quantity show?

9 / 10

Which word is a pronoun in the sentence: "They will meet us at the park"?

10 / 10

Which of the following is not a noun?

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English Grammar Quiz 7

1 / 10

Identify and correct the pronoun error in the sentence: "Me and him will finish the project tomorrow."

2 / 10

Choose the sentence with proper comma usage to indicate contrast.

3 / 10

She __________ easily learn to play the piano if she practices regularly.

4 / 10

Which word means "to free from blame or guilt"?

5 / 10

Choose the sentence with the correct use of an apostrophe:

6 / 10

Which word is the correct adjective to complete the sentence? She bought a __________ dress for the party.

7 / 10

Sarah knew she _______ the complex math problem without help. (inability)

8 / 10

Which type of adverb describes how often actions take place?

9 / 10

What part of speech does "swiftly" represent in the sentence: "He ran swiftly to catch the bus"?

10 / 10

Which of the following is not a noun?

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English Grammar Quiz 8

1 / 10

Determine the type of pronoun in the sentence: "Whose idea was it to go hiking?"

2 / 10

Choose the sentence that uses commas to set off non-essential information.

3 / 10

You __________ start preparing for the exam if you want to score well.

4 / 10

Select the word that means "a person who is not concerned with material wealth or possessions."

5 / 10

Which sentence correctly uses a semicolon?

6 / 10

Choose the correct adjective: The coffee is too ___________ to drink.

7 / 10

He didn't want to swim in the cold water because he _______ the cold. (dislike)

8 / 10

What do adverbs of place describe?

9 / 10

Which word is an adjective in the sentence: "The red car drove quickly"?

10 / 10

Which of the following is not a noun?

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English Grammar Quiz 9

1 / 10

Identify the type of pronoun in the following sentence: "Those shoes are hers."

2 / 10

Which option demonstrates the proper use of commas in a series?

3 / 10

I __________ have completed the assignment, but I chose not to.

4 / 10

What is the antonym of "reconcile"?

5 / 10

Select the sentence with the correct use of parentheses:

6 / 10

Choose the correct adjective form to complete the sentence: "This movie is _____ than the one we watched last week."

7 / 10

I couldn't attend the party because I ________ an important meeting. (prior commitment)

8 / 10

Which type of adverb describes when the action took place?

9 / 10

Identify the verb in the following sentence: "She sings beautifully."

10 / 10

Which of the following is not a noun?

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English Grammar Quiz 10

1 / 10

Select the correct pronoun to complete the sentence: "Either of the options has ________ advantages and disadvantages."

2 / 10

Identify the sentence with the correct use of commas.

3 / 10

They __________ not be able to attend the party due to a prior commitment.

4 / 10

Choose the word that means "a person who speaks in favor of a particular cause or idea."

5 / 10

Which of the following sentences correctly uses an ellipsis for omission?

6 / 10

Identify the adjective in the following sentence: "The diligent student always completes her assignments on time."

7 / 10

She wanted to take a vacation, but she knew she _______ the time off work. (impossibility)

8 / 10

Which type of adverb describes the manner of an action?

9 / 10

What is the noun in the sentence: "The cat chased the mouse"?

10 / 10

Which of the following is not a noun?

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English Grammar Quiz 11

1 / 10

In the sentence, "The team members presented the research findings themselves," what role does "themselves" play?

2 / 10

Choose the correctly punctuated sentence with appositives:

3 / 10

We __________ go on a vacation if we can get time off work.

4 / 10

What is the synonym for "ephemeral"?

5 / 10

Question: Which of the following is the correct way to punctuate a direct quotation?

6 / 10

Which of the following adjectives is used to describe a noun's shape?

7 / 10

You __________ park in the handicapped space without a permit.

8 / 10

Which is the correct spelling of the adjective 'intense' when it becomes an adverb?

9 / 10

Which of the following sentences contains an interjection?

10 / 10

Is there ___________ answer to this question?

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English Grammar Quiz 12

1 / 10

Identify the antecedent of the pronoun in the following sentence: "Having explored the ancient ruins, archaeologists uncovered artifacts that told them about the civilization."

2 / 10

Select the sentence with the correct use of commas in dates:

3 / 10

You __________ ask for permission before using someone else's belongings.

4 / 10

Which word means "a person who studies and collects fossils"?

5 / 10

Question: Which sentence correctly uses a colon?

6 / 10

Which of the following adjectives describes the quality of being friendly and sociable?

7 / 10

They __________ have been late for the flight; the traffic was terrible.

8 / 10

Which is the correct spelling of the adjective 'elegant' when it becomes an adverb?

9 / 10

Which of the following sentences contains a preposition?

10 / 10

I couldn't solve ___________ of your problems.

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English Grammar Quiz 13

1 / 10

Identify the intensive pronoun in the following sentence: "The CEO herself addressed the concerns of the employees."

2 / 10

Choose the sentence with the correct comma usage in a non-restrictive clause:

3 / 10

He __________ complete the project by tomorrow.

4 / 10

Select the word that means "a person who is opposed to technological change or innovation."

5 / 10

Question: What is the purpose of an em dash (—) in a sentence?

6 / 10

Choose the correct form of the adjective to complete the sentence: "She is the _____ student in her class."

7 / 10

You __________ forget to lock the door before leaving the house.

8 / 10

What is the correct adverb form of the adjective 'arduous'?

9 / 10

Which of the following sentences contains a main verb?

10 / 10

The dog wants __________ more milk.

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English Grammar Quiz 14

1 / 10

Select the correct pronoun to complete the sentence: "The committee, consisting of experienced professionals, presented _____ findings."

2 / 10

Identify the sentence with the correct use of a comma in direct address:

3 / 10

You __________ exercise regularly for good health.

4 / 10

What is the antonym of "effervescent"?

5 / 10

Question: Which of the following sentences uses parentheses correctly?

6 / 10

What type of adjective is used to show the equal comparison of two or more things or people?

7 / 10

They __________ leave the campsite dirty; it's against the rules.

8 / 10

Which is the correct spelling of the adjective ‘kind’ when it becomes an adverb?

9 / 10

Which of the following sentences contains a preposition?

10 / 10

There's ___________ tea in the pot.

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English Grammar Quiz 15

1 / 10

In the sentence, "The decision is yours and mine," what type of pronoun is "mine"?

2 / 10

Which sentence demonstrates the correct use of a comma after an introductory clause?

3 / 10

We __________ go to the party if we finish our work early.

4 / 10

Choose the word that means "a person who is very knowledgeable and skilled in a particular field."

5 / 10

Question: In the sentence, "The cat, which is black, is sleeping," what is the function of the comma after "black"?

6 / 10

Identify the adjective in the following sentence: "The little puppy wagged its tail excitedly."

7 / 10

She __________ eat sweets because she has diabetes.

8 / 10

Which is the correct spelling of the adjective ‘slow’ when it becomes an adverb?

9 / 10

Which of the following sentences contains a pronoun?

10 / 10

It's too __________ for me. I can't eat it all.

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English Grammar Quiz 16

1 / 10

She arrived ____ the airport just in time for her flight.

2 / 10

Which article should be used before a singular countable noun that starts with a vowel sound?

3 / 10

I wanted to go to the movies, ___________ it was raining heavily.

4 / 10

She _________ to the store yesterday.

5 / 10

She ___________ to school every morning.

6 / 10

The team of scientists _____ conducting experiments in the lab.

7 / 10

This is the ………………… book I have ever read.

8 / 10

Which of the following sentences is in the passive voice?

9 / 10

What type of pronoun is the word "it" in the sentence "The cat chased the mouse, and it was quick"?

10 / 10

Which of the following is a proper noun?

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English Grammar Quiz 17

1 / 10

The cat jumped ____ the table.

2 / 10

Select the correct article for the following sentence: "She has ___ MBA from a prestigious university."

3 / 10

He's allergic to nuts, ___________ he accidentally ate a granola bar with nuts.

4 / 10

They usually _________ breakfast at 7 AM.

5 / 10

They ___________ soccer on weekends.

6 / 10

Neither the cat nor the dogs _____ interested in the new toy.

7 / 10

She is ………………… person in her family.

8 / 10

Identify the active voice sentence:

9 / 10

Select the sentence where the pronoun usage is incorrect.

10 / 10

What type of noun is "team"?

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English Grammar Quiz 18

1 / 10

I'll meet you ____ 6 o'clock.

2 / 10

Which article should be used before uncountable nouns?

3 / 10

She is studying hard ___________ she wants to get a scholarship.

4 / 10

I _________ to the gym every Monday.

5 / 10

He usually ___________ his dog for a walk in the evening.

6 / 10

Ten dollars _____ a reasonable price for that book.

7 / 10

The situation was getting ………………….

8 / 10

Which sentence is in the passive voice?

9 / 10

Choose the correct pronoun to complete the sentence: "Neither of the students completed ______ homework on time."

10 / 10

Identify the abstract noun in the sentence: "Her kindness touched everyone's heart."

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English Grammar Quiz 19

1 / 10

The book is ____ the shelf.

2 / 10

Choose the correct article for the sentence: "I saw ___ movie last night."

3 / 10

I'll have either pizza ___________ pasta for dinner.

4 / 10

She _________ her homework yesterday.

5 / 10

The sun ___________ in the east and sets in the west.

6 / 10

My collection of stamps _____ on display at the museum.

7 / 10

She sings ………………… than anyone else in the choir.

8 / 10

Choose the active voice sentence:

9 / 10

Identify the intensive pronoun in the following sentence: "I myself saw the UFO in the sky."

10 / 10

Which of the following is a countable noun?

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English Grammar Quiz 20

1 / 10

The movie starts ____ 8:30 PM.

2 / 10

Which article should be used before proper nouns?

3 / 10

He didn't like the movie, ___________ he stayed until the end.

4 / 10

He _________ watching a movie when I visited him.

5 / 10

We ___________ pizza for dinner tonight.

6 / 10

Each of the students _____ a research project to complete.

7 / 10

The film was ………………… I had expected.

8 / 10

Which option uses the passive voice correctly?

9 / 10

Which pronoun is used to show ownership in the sentence: "The car is theirs."

10 / 10

Which of the following is a proper noun?

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English Grammar Quiz 21

1 / 10

He ran ____ the park to catch the bus.

2 / 10

Select the correct article for this sentence: "He wants to become ___ doctor."

3 / 10

She loves both chocolate ___________ vanilla ice cream.

4 / 10

By the time he arrives, we _________ for hours.

5 / 10

She usually ___________ her guitar at night.

6 / 10

Not only the books but also the pen _____ missing.

7 / 10

This is the ………………… ice cream I've ever tasted.

8 / 10

Identify the sentence in active voice:

9 / 10

Select the sentence with correct reflexive pronoun usage.

10 / 10

Identify the compound noun in the sentence: "The ice cream was delicious."

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English Grammar Quiz 22

1 / 10

The keys are ____ the kitchen counter.

2 / 10

Which article should be used before plural countable nouns?

3 / 10

You can have cake ___________ ice cream for dessert.

4 / 10

She _________ English for five years by the end of this semester.

5 / 10

Cats ___________ mice to catch them.

6 / 10

John, along with his friends, _____ going to the party.

7 / 10

She performed ………………… on the test.

8 / 10

Which of the following sentences is in passive voice?

9 / 10

Which sentence has an incorrect pronoun-antecedent agreement?

10 / 10

What type of noun is "freedom"?

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English Grammar Quiz 23

1 / 10

The meeting is scheduled ____ 2 PM to 4 PM.

2 / 10

Choose the appropriate article: "She's eating ___ apple a day to stay healthy."

3 / 10

He studied hard for the test, ___________ he still didn't get a good grade.

4 / 10

If they _________ earlier, they would have caught the train.

5 / 10

The store ___________ at 9 AM and closes at 6 PM.

6 / 10

Each of the apples _____ ripe and ready to be picked.

7 / 10

Among all the contestants, he danced ………………….

8 / 10

Select the sentence in active voice:

9 / 10

Choose the correct relative pronoun to complete the sentence: "The person ____ helped me was very kind."

10 / 10

Identify the collective noun in the sentence: "The jury reached a verdict."

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English Grammar Quiz 24

1 / 10

The package was delivered ____ courier.

2 / 10

Which article should be used before superlative adjectives?

3 / 10

She wanted to go swimming, ___________ it was too cold outside.

4 / 10

She _________ to the party if she doesn't have to work late.

5 / 10

I ___________ coffee every morning to start my day.

6 / 10

Mathematics _____ always been his favorite subject.

7 / 10

The weather was ………………… I had hoped for.

8 / 10

Which sentence is in passive voice?

9 / 10

Identify the demonstrative pronoun in the following sentence: "These cookies are delicious."

10 / 10

Identify the abstract noun in the sentence: "His courage in the face of danger was admirable."

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English Grammar Quiz 25

1 / 10

She's been working here ____ three years.

2 / 10

Select the correct option for the sentence: "He is ___ honest person I've ever met."

3 / 10

He loves both playing soccer ___________ watching basketball.

4 / 10

I _________ my keys yesterday, so I had to ask for a spare.

5 / 10

My parents ___________ a movie on Friday nights.

6 / 10

The committee _____ divided in their opinions.

7 / 10

She sings so ………………… that the audience is always amazed.

8 / 10

Identify the active voice sentence:

9 / 10

Which sentence correctly uses an indefinite pronoun?

10 / 10

Which of the following is a proper noun?

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Also, Read

Subject Verb Agreement Rules With Examples

Complex Sentence to Simple Sentence

Complex Sentence To Simple Sentence

Find the Prepositional Phrases in the Following Sentences

Find The Prepositional Phrases In The Following Sentences

Prepositional Phrase Definition and Examples

Prepositional Phrase Definition And Examples

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