Quiz on Subject Verb Agreement

Quizzes on Subject Verb Agreement with explanations actively engage students as it:

  • Provide immediate feedback,
  • Clear doubts,
  • Build confidence in using prepositions correctly,
  • And thereby enhancing practical grammar skills.

Quiz on Subject Verb Agreement

Quiz on Subject Verb Agreement

Instructions for Each quiz

Daily Grammar Test - Attempt Now
  1. 10 questions, 4 options each.
  2. Choose the correct option for each question.
  3. Time – 5 Minutes
  4. Click “Show Result” when done.
  5. Enjoy the quiz!


Subject Verb Agreement Quiz 1

1 / 10

The team of scientists _____ conducting experiments in the lab.

2 / 10

Neither the cat nor the dogs _____ interested in the new toy.

3 / 10

Ten dollars _____ a reasonable price for that book.

4 / 10

My collection of stamps _____ on display at the museum.

5 / 10

Each of the students _____ a research project to complete.

6 / 10

Not only the books but also the pen _____ missing.

7 / 10

John, along with his friends, _____ going to the party.

8 / 10

Each of the apples _____ ripe and ready to be picked.

9 / 10

Mathematics _____ always been his favorite subject.

10 / 10

The committee _____ divided in their opinions.

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Subject Verb Agreement Quiz 2

1 / 10

A pair of shoes _____ on sale at the store.

2 / 10

Every one of the books _____ missing from the shelf.

3 / 10

The news _____ not as exciting as I had hoped.

4 / 10

Neither the teacher nor the students _____ prepared for the test.

5 / 10

The group of singers _____ performing at the concert tonight.

6 / 10

My cat, along with her kittens, _____ the center of attention.

7 / 10

The box of chocolates _____ almost empty.

8 / 10

A variety of flowers _____ in bloom during spring.

9 / 10

The quality of the products _____ deteriorating.

10 / 10

Everyone, including the dogs, _____ invited to the party.

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Subject Verb Agreement Quiz 3

1 / 10

The company, along with its subsidiaries, _____ planning a merger.

2 / 10

One of the dogs _____ trained to perform tricks.

3 / 10

The pair of jeans _____ still in the laundry basket.

4 / 10

A lot of effort _____ needed to complete the project.

5 / 10

Neither the car nor the bikes _____ available for rent.

6 / 10

The flock of birds _____ across the sky in a graceful pattern.

7 / 10

Ten percent of the population _____ affected by the flu.

8 / 10

Each of the solutions _____ viable options.

9 / 10

Politics _____ often a divisive topic of discussion.

10 / 10

The collection of stamps _____ impressive.

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Subject Verb Agreement Quiz 4

1 / 10

The family, along with their friends, _____ going on a vacation.

2 / 10

The jury _____ unable to reach a unanimous decision.

3 / 10

My favorite type of movie _____ action-adventure.

4 / 10

The majority of the students _____ in favor of the new schedule.

5 / 10

The pair of binoculars _____ essential for birdwatching.

6 / 10

A number of people _____ attending the conference.

7 / 10

The committee _____ discussing the budget proposal.

8 / 10

The news about the accident _____ shocking.

9 / 10

All of the information _____ accurate.

10 / 10

The team captain, along with the players, _____ practicing for the upcoming match.

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The average score is 0%



Subject Verb Agreement Quiz 5

1 / 10

Many a student _____ excited about the school trip.

2 / 10

Not only the flowers but also the vase _____ broken.

3 / 10

The sound of sirens _____ heard from a distance.

4 / 10

The list of candidates _____ posted on the bulletin board.

5 / 10

The number of attendees _____ higher than expected.

6 / 10

Which sentence has the correct subject-verb agreement?

7 / 10

Identify the sentence that demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement.

8 / 10

Choose the sentence where subject-verb agreement is correct.

9 / 10

Choose the sentence in which subject-verb agreement is correct.

10 / 10

Which sentence has the correct subject-verb agreement?

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The average score is 0%


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