Quiz on Conjunctions

Quizzes on conjunctions with explanations actively engage students as it:

  • Provide immediate feedback,
  • Clear doubts,
  • Build confidence in using prepositions correctly,
  • And thereby enhancing practical grammar skills.

Quiz on Conjunctions

Quiz on Conjunctions

Instructions for Each quiz

Daily Grammar Test - Attempt Now
  1. 10 questions, 4 options each.
  2. Choose the correct option for each question.
  3. Time – 5 Minutes
  4. Click “Show Result” when done.
  5. Enjoy the quiz!


Quiz on Conjunctions 1

1 / 10

I wanted to go to the movies, ___________ it was raining heavily.

2 / 10

He's allergic to nuts, ___________ he accidentally ate a granola bar with nuts.

3 / 10

She is studying hard ___________ she wants to get a scholarship.

4 / 10

I'll have either pizza ___________ pasta for dinner.

5 / 10

He didn't like the movie, ___________ he stayed until the end.

6 / 10

She loves both chocolate ___________ vanilla ice cream.

7 / 10

You can have cake ___________ ice cream for dessert.

8 / 10

He studied hard for the test, ___________ he still didn't get a good grade.

9 / 10

She wanted to go swimming, ___________ it was too cold outside.

10 / 10

He loves both playing soccer ___________ watching basketball.

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Quiz on Conjunctions 2

1 / 10

She's not only a talented singer, ___________ she's also an accomplished dancer.

2 / 10

I like both science ___________ mathematics.

3 / 10

He's studying hard ___________ he wants to pass the exam.

4 / 10

She wanted to visit the museum, ___________ it was closed for renovation.

5 / 10

You can either have tea ___________ coffee for breakfast.

6 / 10

He's not feeling well, ___________ he's still going to the party.

7 / 10

I'd like to travel to both Europe ___________ Asia someday.

8 / 10

She's a talented pianist, ___________ she also plays the violin.

9 / 10

He likes neither spicy food ___________ extremely sweet desserts.

10 / 10

She's studying hard ___________ she can improve her grades.

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The average score is 0%



Quiz on Conjunctions 3

1 / 10

She worked diligently, ___________ she couldn't complete the project on time.

2 / 10

He loves to read mystery novels, ___________ he also enjoys historical fiction.

3 / 10

I have a busy schedule; ___________, I will make time for the important meeting.

4 / 10

She's a talented painter ___________ a skilled sculptor.

5 / 10

The weather was unpredictable; ___________, they decided to carry umbrellas.

6 / 10

He's not only a brilliant scientist, ___________ a gifted musician as well.

7 / 10

She couldn't attend the party ___________ she had a prior commitment.

8 / 10

The cat is usually friendly, ___________ it can be aloof at times.

9 / 10

He neither likes spicy food ___________ can he tolerate extremely bland dishes.

10 / 10

The instructions were complex; ___________, she managed to complete the task.

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Quiz on Conjunctions 4

1 / 10

He's very talented ___________ he's still quite humble.

2 / 10

She's determined to succeed ___________ she faces numerous challenges.

3 / 10

He's incredibly smart, ___________ he lacks common sense.

4 / 10

The road was blocked; ___________, we had to take a detour.

5 / 10

He's neither interested in sports ___________ is he enthusiastic about art.

6 / 10

I'm passionate about cooking ___________ my brother loves to bake.

7 / 10

She's diligent ___________ detail-oriented.

8 / 10

The play was well-received; ___________, it had some flaws.

9 / 10

She's an accomplished pianist ___________ she's also skilled in playing the violin.

10 / 10

I'm not a fan of horror movies ___________ I find them too frightening.

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Quiz on Conjunctions 5

1 / 10

He's a successful entrepreneur; ___________, he's dedicated a significant portion of his time to philanthropy.

2 / 10

She had meticulously prepared for the presentation; ___________, she still felt nervous when speaking.

3 / 10

He's not only a talented musician, ___________ he's also an accomplished painter.

4 / 10

The experiment was complex ___________ time-consuming.

5 / 10

He's a passionate traveler ___________ an avid photographer.

6 / 10

The concert tickets were sold out; ___________, we couldn't attend.

7 / 10

He's been practicing diligently; ___________, he still has room for improvement.

8 / 10

The seminar was informative; ___________, it lacked interactive activities.

9 / 10

I couldn't find my keys; ___________, I was already late for the appointment.

10 / 10

He's neither fond of horror movies ___________ does he enjoy suspenseful novels.

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The average score is 0%


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