24 Modal Auxiliary Verbs

Auxiliary Verbs or helping verbs are of two types: Primary Auxiliary Verbs and Modal Auxiliary Verbs. In this post, you will find 24 Modal Auxiliary Verbs with examples.

24 Modal Auxiliary Verbs are can, could, shall, should, will, would, may, might, must, dare, need, used to, ought to, etc

24 Modal Auxiliary Verbs

24 Modal Auxiliary Verbs

24 Modal Auxiliary Verbs Table 1


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AskingWill you please pass me the salt?
Will you lend me your pen for a moment?
Will you be available for a meeting tomorrow afternoon?
Will you help me move the furniture?
Will you help me carry these bags to the car?
PossibilityIt will probably rain tomorrow.
She will likely be late for the meeting.
There will possibly be a traffic jam during rush hour.
The package will maybe arrive by the end of the week.
She will possibly arrive late due to traffic.
SuggestionWe will have a great time if we go to the beach.
He will enjoy the book I recommended.
They will benefit from attending the conference.
You will enjoy the movie if you like suspense.
It will be beneficial for you to start exercising regularly.

24 Modal Auxiliary Verbs Table 2


Conditional statementsIf I had more time, I would travel around the world.
Polite requests or offersWould you please pass me the salt?
Habits or repeated actions in the pastWhen I was younger, I would always play soccer with my friends.
Imaginary or hypothetical situationsIf I were a millionaire, I would buy a luxurious mansion.
Future in the pastHe said he would call me later tonight.

24 Modal Auxiliary Verbs Table 3


Suggestions or offersShall we go to the park this afternoon?
I shall help you with your luggage.
Future actions or plansI shall attend the meeting tomorrow.
We shall leave for our vacation next week.
Promises or intentionsI shall always love and support you.
She shall do her best to make it to the event.
Requirements or rulesStudents shall complete the assignment by the end of the week.
All visitors shall sign in at the reception.
Commands or instructions (in formal contexts)You shall not enter this restricted area.
Shall the defendant rise for the verdict?

24 Modal Auxiliary Verbs Table 4


Seeking adviceShould we go for a walk?
Obligations or expectationsStudents should complete their assignments on time.
ProbabilityThe train should arrive in about ten minutes.
Criticism or expressing dissatisfactionYou should have apologized for your mistake.

24 Modal Auxiliary Verbs Table 5


Ability or capabilityI can swim.
She can speak three languages fluently.
Permission or authorizationCan I borrow your pen?
You can go out and play after you finish your homework.
Requests or asking for assistanceCan you help me carry this box?
Can someone please open the door?
Possibility or potentialIt can get quite crowded during rush hour.
The weather can change suddenly in this region.
Making general statementsCats can see in the dark.
Vegetables can be a healthy choice for a balanced diet.

24 Modal Auxiliary Verbs Table 6


Past ability or capabilityWhen I was younger, I could run faster.
Polite requests or asking for permissionCould you please pass me the salt?
Conditional statements or hypothetical situationsIf I had more time, I could visit you.
Expressing possibility or uncertaintyIt could rain later today, so take an umbrella.
Polite suggestions or offering helpYou could try calling customer support for assistance.

24 Modal Auxiliary Verbs Table 7


Possibility or uncertaintyIt may rain later today, so you should bring an umbrella.
He may arrive late to the meeting due to traffic.
Permission or granting consentMay I borrow your pen, please?
You may leave the room if you have finished your exam.
Expressing wishes or hopesMay all your dreams come true!
May you have a wonderful birthday!
Polite requests or asking for permissionMay I ask you a question?
May we have a moment of your time to discuss this matter?
Expressing probability or likelihoodShe may be at the library studying.
The package may arrive tomorrow, according to the tracking information.

24 Modal Auxiliary Verbs Table 8


Possibility or uncertaintyIt might rain later today, so you should bring an umbrella.
Polite requests or asking for permissionMight I borrow your laptop for a moment?
Expressing a slight possibilityShe might be able to finish the project by tomorrow.
Expressing past regretI might have passed the exam if I had studied more.

24 Modal Auxiliary Verbs Table 9


ObligationYou must submit your assignment by tomorrow.
CertaintyIt’s getting late, and they must be home by now.
She’s been practicing for hours; she must be a skilled pianist.
Strong ProbabilityThe dark clouds indicate that it must rain soon.
ProhibitionYou must not enter this area without proper authorization.
Visitors must not touch the exhibits in the museum.

24 Modal Auxiliary Verbs Table 10


Questioning or challengingHow dare you speak to me like that?
Who dares to defy the court’s orders?
Permission or offeringDare I ask for a favor?
Dare you join me on this adventure?
Negative statementsI dare not open that mysterious package.
They dare not reveal their true identities.
Expressing bravery or willingnessShe dares to take risks and explore new opportunities.
He dares to speak up against injustice.

24 Modal Auxiliary Verbs Table 11


NecessityI need to finish my assignment before tomorrow.
We need to buy groceries for the week.
Lack of necessity or obligationYou don’t need to worry; everything is under control.
You didn’t need to attend the meeting.
Emphasizing a strong recommendationYou need to see this movie; it’s amazing!
We need to try the new restaurant downtown.
Expressing a requirementHe needs to pass the exam to graduate.
The documents need to be signed by tomorrow.
Denying necessity or obligationYou needn’t bother about the dishes; I’ll take care of them.
They needn’t worry about the expenses; it’s all covered.

24 Modal Auxiliary Verbs Table 12

Used to

Past habits or actionsHe used to walk every morning.
She used to visit her grandparents every weekend.
Past preferences or likesWe used to enjoy camping in the mountains during summer vacations.
They used to listen to rock music, but now they prefer jazz.
Expressing familiarityI’m used to working late hours.
They are used to the cold weather since they grew up in a northern climate.
Comparing past and present situationsLife used to be simpler before the advent of technology.
Life used to revolve around physical mail, but now we rely on emails and instant messaging.

24 Modal Auxiliary Verbs Table 13

Ought to

Advising or giving recommendationsYou ought to eat more fruits and vegetables for a balanced diet.
She ought to study for the exam if she wants to do well.
Expressing moral or social obligationWe ought to help those in need.
He ought to apologize for his behavior.
Expressing expectations or dutyThey ought to arrive on time for the meeting.
The employees ought to follow the company policies.
Expressing probability or likelihoodIt ought to rain later, judging by the dark clouds.
He ought to pass the test with all the preparation he did.
Expressing regrets or missed opportunitiesI ought to have called my parents on their anniversary.
She ought to have taken the earlier train to avoid the traffic.

In English, the 9 modal auxiliary verbs (Can, Could, May, Might, Shall, Should, Will, Would, Must) listed earlier are generally considered the main modal verbs. However, we will add some additional modal auxiliary verbs, which are sometimes considered modal auxiliary verbs.

24 Modal Auxiliary Verbs Summary

Modal Auxiliary VerbsFunctionsExamples
Can1. ability
2. possibility
1. Lisa can speak French fluently.
2. It will be a challenge, but I think we can complete the project if we work together.
Could1. ability
2. requesting
1. He could do it.
2. Could you pass the salt, please?
May1. possibility
2. permission
3. offering
1. Alisha may come here today.
2. May I come in?
3. May I get you a cup of coffee?
Might1. possibility
2. suggestion
1. His statement might be true.
2. You might try a new restaurant today.
Must1. obligation
2. certainty
3. strong probability
4. prohibition
1. You must obey your parents.
2. I must submit my assignment before the deadline.
3. You must be hungry after a busy day at work.
4. You must not waste your time.
Dare1. challenge
3. negative force
4. interrogation
1. I dare you to try spicy salsa!
2. I wouldn’t dare to ask HR for a salary hike.
3. How dare you speak to your mother like that?
Need1. prohibition
2. interrogation
1. You need not come here.
2. Does he need to go there?
Used tohabitual action in the pastMy mother used to tell me moral stories.
I used to live here when I was a boy.
He used to walk every morning when he was in New York.
Ought to1. obligation
2. strong likelihood
1. a) You ought to work hard for your exam.
b) We ought to obey our parents.
2. It ought to rain later today.

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6 thoughts on “24 Modal Auxiliary Verbs”

  1. Dannye K Naipo

    This is a very useful and helpful tool to teach the idea behind the modal verbs.

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