Quiz on Commas

We present a well-designed Quiz on Commas with answers, detailed explanations, full-result insights, and precise timings.

A quiz with explanations actively engages students as they:

  • Provide immediate feedback,
  • Clear doubts,
  • Build confidence in using prepositions correctly,
  • And thereby enhancing practical grammar skills.

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Quiz on Commas

Quiz on Commas


  1. 10 questions, 4 options each.
  2. Choose the correct option for each question.
  3. Time – 5 Minutes
  4. Click “Show Result” when done.
  5. Enjoy the quiz!

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Quiz on Commas 1

1 / 10

Choose the sentence with correct comma usage:

2 / 10

Select the option with the correct comma placement:

3 / 10

Identify the sentence with the correct use of commas in a compound sentence:

4 / 10

Choose the correctly punctuated sentence:

5 / 10

Select the sentence with correct comma usage in a series:

6 / 10

Which sentence demonstrates the correct use of a comma after an introductory clause?

7 / 10

Identify the sentence with the correct use of a comma in direct address:

8 / 10

Choose the sentence with the correct comma usage in a non-restrictive clause:

9 / 10

Select the sentence with the correct use of commas in dates:

10 / 10

Choose the correctly punctuated sentence with appositives:

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Quiz on Commas 2

1 / 10

Identify the sentence with the correct use of commas.

2 / 10

Which option demonstrates the proper use of commas in a series?

3 / 10

Choose the sentence that uses commas to set off non-essential information.

4 / 10

Choose the sentence with proper comma usage to indicate contrast.

5 / 10

Identify the sentence with correct comma placement in a compound sentence.

6 / 10

Choose the sentence with proper comma usage in a parenthetical expression.

7 / 10

Choose the sentence with proper comma usage in a quotation.

8 / 10

Identify the sentence with correct comma usage in a location element.

9 / 10

Identify the sentence with correct comma usage in a purpose or result element.

10 / 10

Choose the sentence with proper comma usage in a contrast or concession element.

Your score is

The average score is 0%


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