Modal Auxiliaries Quiz

We present a well-designed Modal Auxiliaries quiz with answers, detailed explanations, full-result insights, and precise timings.

A quiz with explanations actively engages students as they:

  • Provide immediate feedback,
  • Clear doubts,
  • Build confidence in using prepositions correctly,
  • And thereby enhancing practical grammar skills.

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Modal Auxiliaries Quiz

Read Types, Rules, and Examples of Modal Auxiliaries here

Modal Auxiliaries Quiz


  1. 10 questions, 4 options each.
  2. Choose the correct option for each question.
  3. Time – 5 Minutes
  4. Click “Show Result” when done.
  5. Enjoy the quiz!

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Modal Auxiliary Quiz 1

1 / 10

Which modal auxiliary is used to express ability?

2 / 10

What does the modal verb "should" indicate?

3 / 10

Choose the correct modal verb to express a future possibility.

4 / 10

Which modal auxiliary is used for making polite requests?

5 / 10

Identify the modal verb that expresses a lack of obligation or necessity.

6 / 10

In which sentence is the modal verb used to show a strong recommendation?

7 / 10

Which modal verb is used to express a past ability that was not realized?

8 / 10

What does the modal verb "mustn't" indicate?

9 / 10

Choose the modal verb that is often used for expressing a logical deduction.

10 / 10

In which sentence is the modal verb used to offer assistance?

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Modal Auxiliary Quiz 2

1 / 10

Which modal auxiliary is used to express a strong possibility or probability?

2 / 10

Identify the modal verb that is commonly used to give advice or make suggestions.

3 / 10

In which sentence is the modal verb used to express a future intention or plan?

4 / 10

Choose the modal verb that is often used for making polite offers.

5 / 10

What does the modal verb "may" indicate when used in a sentence?

6 / 10

Identify the modal verb used to express a lack of permission or ability.

7 / 10

Choose the modal verb often used for expressing a preference or desire.

8 / 10

What does the modal verb "ought to" indicate?

9 / 10

In which sentence is the modal verb used to express a future prediction based on current evidence?

10 / 10

Choose the modal verb that is used to express a lack of necessity or absence of obligation.

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Modal Auxiliary Quiz 3

1 / 10

They ________ to complete the project by tomorrow.

2 / 10

You ________ eat your vegetables for good health.

3 / 10

If you study consistently, you ________ perform well in exams.

4 / 10

I ________ have forgotten to turn off the oven; the house smells like something is burning.

5 / 10

He ________ be at the airport by now; the flight was scheduled to land an hour ago.

6 / 10

She ________ finish the assignment by tomorrow; it's not too difficult.

7 / 10

You ________ forget to bring your passport when traveling internationally.

8 / 10

If it rains, the outdoor event ________ be moved indoors.

9 / 10

You ________ attend the seminar; it's a great opportunity to learn.

10 / 10

She ________ have finished her work by now; she started early in the morning.

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Modal Auxiliary Quiz 4

1 / 10

What does the modal verb "may" typically express?

2 / 10

True or False: "Could" is only used to express past ability.

3 / 10

I __________ help you with your homework yesterday, but I was busy.

4 / 10

You __________ bring an umbrella; the weather forecast predicts rain.

5 / 10

She __________ attend the meeting if she finishes her work on time.

6 / 10

We __________ go to the party if we finish our work early.

7 / 10

You __________ exercise regularly for good health.

8 / 10

He __________ complete the project by tomorrow.

9 / 10

You __________ ask for permission before using someone else's belongings.

10 / 10

We __________ go on a vacation if we can get time off work.

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Modal Auxiliary Quiz 5

1 / 10

They __________ not be able to attend the party due to a prior commitment.

2 / 10

I __________ have completed the assignment, but I chose not to.

3 / 10

You __________ start preparing for the exam if you want to score well.

4 / 10

She __________ easily learn to play the piano if she practices regularly.

5 / 10

We __________ go to the beach this weekend if the weather is nice.

6 / 10

He __________ have finished the task, but he chose not to.

7 / 10

You __________ consider the consequences before making a decision.

8 / 10

They __________ join us for dinner if they finish their work on time.

9 / 10

You __________ be careful while crossing the road.

10 / 10

We __________ start the meeting as soon as everyone arrives.

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