When a phrase begins and ends with a Preposition (of, at. by. with, from, over etc.) it is called a Prepositional Phrase.
Prepositional phrases make sentences clearer and more concise, build vocabulary and improve writing skills. In this post, we present you the list of Prepositional Phrases.

List of Prepositional Phrases
- As to,
- By way of,
- In quest of,
- By dint of,
- On the eve of,
- In consequence of,
- In the place of,
- In company with,
- At enmity with,
- In keeping with,
- In prospect of,
- Because of,
- By force of,
- In pursuit of,
- With an eye to,
- By the side of,
- By means of,
- In search of,
- In the face of,
- In the hope of,
- In defiance of,
- In honour of,
- In opposition to,
- In unison with,
- At variance with,
- To the surprise of,
- In exchange of,
- At home in,
- In course of,
- In the name of,
- At par with,
- At the cost of,
- In respect of,
- In sight of,
- In the wake of,
- In the middle (midst ) of,
- As a token of,
- On behalf of/on the part of,
- For fear of (life),
- In fear of (danger),
- In connection with/with reference to,
- At the instance of,
- In deference to,
- In view of/in consideration of,
- On account of/on the ground of,
- On the Brink of
- On the face of
- On the ground of
- On the pretense of
- With a view to
- By dint of
- In agreement with
- In comparison with
- In connection with
- In spite of
- In the event of
- In the interest of
- In the teeth of
- In the light of
- In order to
- In pursuance of
- In the middle of
- In proportion to
- In praise of
- In pursuit of
- Owing to
- On the verge of
- On default of
- On behalf of
- Due to
Also, Read

Prepositional Phrase Definition and Examples

Adverb Phrase Examples with Answers

Types of Prepositions with Examples