A phrase is a collection of words without a subject or predicate. The phrase is the fundamental building block of English grammar.
In this post, we present you examples of all kinds of phrases including Noun phrases, Verbal Phrase, Adjective Phrase, Adverbial Phrase, Prepositional Phrase, Appositive Phrase, Infinitive Phrase, Gerund Phrase, Absolute Phrase.

Examples of Phrases
Examples of Phrases #1
A noun phrase is a group of words that function as nouns. It can be a subject or object/complement of a verb.
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Examples of Noun Phrases
A Noun Phrase is formed by adding and between two Nouns:
- Food and water are essential for human survival.
- The company is experiencing a shortage of employees and funds.
- Strength and endurance are required to complete this challenge.
- Light and shadow play key roles in photography.
- The museum houses a collection of art and artefacts from around the world.
When a Preposition sits between two Nouns to form a Noun Phrase:
- The doctor gave a diagnosis of pneumonia to the patient.
- The politician has a reputation for honesty.
- The student received a grade of A on her paper.
- The company is looking for a candidate with experience in marketing.
- The author wrote a book on the topic of environmentalism.
When two Nouns are placed side by side to form a Noun Phrase:
- The computer screen is cracked.
- His office desk is cluttered.
- The baby’s diaper is dirty.
- She wore a silk dress.
- The new car has leather seats.
When an Adjective or Participle is placed before a Noun to form a Noun Phrase:
- The raging storm caused widespread destruction.
- The howling wind kept us awake all night.
- The fallen leaves covered the ground.
- The shining stars lit up the night sky.
- The melting snow revealed the green grass beneath.
When a Noun Phrase is started with an Infinite Verb:
- He likes to eat sweets.
- The best way to learn a new language
- He likes to command others.
- My goal is to save enough money.
- I tried to get the sum right.
Read More Examples of Noun Phrases
Examples of Phrases #2
When a Phrase qualifies a Noun or expresses its fault, quality, condition, quantity, etc., it is called an Adjective Phrase.
Examples of Adjective Phrases
Adjective Phrase formation by placing the Preposition after the Present Participle
- The flowers blooming in the garden are a riot of colours.
- The woman walking on the beach is enjoying the sunset.
- The baby sleeping in the crib is so peaceful.
- The car parked in the garage needs a wash.
- The boy jumping over the fence is my cousin.
Formation of Adjective Phrase by placing preposition after Past Participle
- The exhausted runner collapsed onto the finish line, gasping for air.
- The abandoned house on the hill was rumoured to be haunted.
- The injured bird hobbled along the ground, unable to fly.
- The exhausted worker collapsed into bed after a long day.
- The lost hiker wandered through the dense forest for hours.
Formation of the Adjective Phrase by using Preposition
- Virat Kohli is a cricketer of worldwide fame.
- The building across the street is a bank.
- The dog with the wagging tail is friendly.
- The woman in the yellow dress is the bride.
- The boy without a jacket is cold.
Formation of Adjective Phrase using Infinitive ‘to’
- I have a mind to visit Simla during summer vacation.
- He has a friend to help him.
- She had a dream to become a doctor.
- They had a goal to score high in their exams.
- We had the wish to visit the Grand Canyon.
Formation of Adjective Phrase using Adjective and Appropriate Preposition
- India is rich in minerals.
- Truthfulness is foreign to your nature.
- The museum is full of ancient artefacts.
- The beach is crowded with tourists during the summer.
- The city is renowned for its beautiful architecture.
Comparison Adjective Phrases:
- His eyes are as red as a rose.
- The wind is as cold as ice.
- The sun is as hot as fire.
- The water is as clear as a crystal.
- The mountain is as tall as a skyscraper.
A few examples of Idiomatic Adjective Phrases
- Monika is the apple of her father’s eye.
- Peter is a jack of all trades and master of none.
- There is no hard and fast rule in this matter.
- We must be up and doing in the service of our country.
- These customs are no longer in vogue.
Read More Examples Of Adjective Phrases
Examples of Phrases #3
When a phrase begins and ends with a Preposition (of, at. by. with, from, over etc.) it is called a Prepositional Phrase.
Examples of Prepositional Phrases
- He was absent because of his illness.
- On the ground of safety concerns, the event was cancelled.
- On the pretence of going to the store, she secretly met her lover.
- With a view to improving her health, she started going to the gym regularly.
- By dint of hard work, he was able to achieve his goals.
- In agreement with the terms of the contract, the payment was due on the 30th of the month.
- He left the room in the middle of the discussion.
- In comparison with her previous job, her new position had better benefits.
- In connection with the investigation, the police questioned several witnesses.
- He always worked in the interest of the entire family.
- In order to succeed you have to work hard.
- In consequence of the storm, many trees were uprooted and power lines were down.
- In consideration of his years of service, he was given a generous retirement package.
- In the course of the meeting, several issues were discussed.
- In keeping with his beliefs, he refused to eat meat.
Read More Examples of Prepositional Phrases With Sentences
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Examples of Phrases #4
An Adverbial Phrase is a group of words that work as an adverb.
Examples of Adverbial Phrases
Adverbial Phrases of Place
- The salesman went door to door to promote his new product.
- The dancers moved to and fro across the stage in perfect unison.
- They left their home country to pursue better opportunities in a foreign country. (Adv. abroad)
- News of the celebrity scandal spread far and wide, causing a media frenzy.
- She keeps her ex-boyfriend at arm’s length.
Adverbial Phrases of Time
- He kept making the same mistake again and again. (Adv. repeatedly)
- The teacher instructed the students to finish their assignments at once. (Adv. immediately)
- Despite initial setbacks, the company believed that its strategy would pay off in the long run. (Adv. ultimately)
- By and by, the children started to calm down after their tantrums. (Adv. gradually)
- The couple had been together for a long time before finally deciding to get married.
Adverbial Phrases in the Sense of Method or Type
- The couple promised to stick together through thick and thin.
- He decided to leave the company on his own accord. (Adv. voluntarily)
- The competitors fought tooth and nail to win the championship. (Adv. desperately)
- The new company policy seemed to be implemented without rhyme or reason. (Adv. unreasonably)
- He was a loyal friend through and through. (Adv. fully or thoroughly)
Read More Examples of Adverbial Phrases
Examples of Phrases #5
A verbal phrase is a group of words that function as a unit within a sentence and function as a verb.
Examples of Verbal Phrases
- I love to dance in the rain.
- I go running for exercise every morning.
- My sister enjoys singing a song in the shower.
- I’m cooking dinner for the family tonight.
- I need to write a letter to my friend who lives abroad.
- We went hiking up the mountain last weekend and it was amazing.
- I always start my day by drinking a cup of coffee in the morning.
- Eating a healthy breakfast is important for a good start to the day.
- Let’s go for a walk in the park and enjoy the fresh air.
- I need to spend more time studying for the exam.
- I like cleaning the house on weekends to keep it organized.
- We’re planning on watching a movie with friends later tonight.
- Writing a book about his life is his dream project.
- I prefer riding a bike to work instead of driving a car.
- She’s painting a picture for the art show at school.
Examples of Phrases #6
A Gerund is a verb that ends in ‘-ing’ and consists of a noun and a verb.
They look like verbs, but they behave like nouns. A gerund, its object, and its modifier make up a gerund phrase. It performs all the tasks of a noun.
Examples of Gerund Phrases
- Working for this company has helped me improve my communication skills. (Subject of the sentence)
- John enjoys knitting sweaters for the children in the orphanage. (Object of the sentence)
Examples of Phrases #7
An Appositive Phrase is a group of words that is placed next to another word in order to explain it.
Examples of Appositive Phrases
- Tina, my sister, is very ill.
- I love Tony, my faithful dog.
- Lisa, my sister, has secured 1st place in her examination.
Examples of Phrases #8
An infinitive phrase is formed of an infinitive (to + verb) as well as complements and modifiers. An infinitive’s indirect object acts as its complement, while its adverb acts as its modifier. They can function as nouns, adverbs, or adjectives.
Examples of Infinitive Phrases
- The injured person started to slowly open his mouth.
- To know him is to love him.
More Examples of Phrases Coming Soon…………………………
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