Examples of Compound Sentences

A compound sentence contains two or more independent clauses that can stand alone as separate sentences.

In this post, we present you the top 100+ examples of Compound Sentences.

Examples of Compound Sentences

Examples of Compound Sentences

  1. He wanted to travel and explore new places, so he saved up money.
  2. I finished my work early, so I went for a walk.
  3. She must read hard or she will not pass the examination.
  4. He is poor but he is honest.
  5. She cooked dinner and cleaned the kitchen.
  6. He not only played the piano but also composed his own music.
  7. The train was delayed, so we had to wait.
  8. He went to the gym and worked out for an hour.
  9. He is a teacher and a social worker.
  10. He lost his job, but he did not lose hope.
  11. She wanted to buy a new car, so she started saving money.
  12. He was sick, yet he managed to finish his project.
  13. They not only climbed the mountain but also reached the summit.
  14. She speaks Spanish fluently and also knows some French.
  15. He was a teacher and a mentor to his students.
  16. We must eat or we can not live.
  17. She not only wrote a book but also got it published.
  18. He wanted to learn a new language, so he enrolled in a course.
  19. He not only made a promise he kept it.
  20. She is clever, but not industrious.
  21. The earth is round, and we can easily prove it.
  22. He wanted to succeed in life and so he worked hard.
  23. She is a talented artist and also a skilled writer.
  24. He was busy, yet he still managed to make time for his family.
  25. She not only studied medicine but also practised it.
  26. He wanted to travel the world, so he quit his job and started his journey.
  27. Spare the rod and spoil the child.
  28. Cross the line and you will be arrested.
  29. Do or die.
  30. He was very tired, and therefore he fell asleep.
  31. She cooked a delicious meal and also baked a cake for dessert.
  32. He was a musician and a composer.
  33. She worked hard and earned a promotion.
  34. He wanted to learn how to paint, so he took a class.
  35. They not only visited the museum but also attended a concert.
  36. She speaks English, French, and German fluently.
  37. They were poor but they were happy.
  38. He was a firefighter and a hero to his community.
  39. We went on a road trip and visited many cities.
  40. She not only studied law but also worked as a lawyer.
  41. He wanted to start his own business, so he wrote a business plan.
  42. I cleaned the house, did the grocery shopping, and cooked dinner.
  43. It was a rainy day and so we did not go to school.
  44. Do it and you will be punished.
  45. Work hard or you will fail.
  46. She was a teacher and a mentor to her students.
  47. He worked hard and saved up enough money to buy a house.
  48. She not only studied engineering but also worked as an engineer.
  49. He wanted to pursue his passion for photography, so he started a photography business.
  50. They not only went to the beach but also went snorkelling.
  51. He was poor but he did not blame his fate.
  52. Dr. Roy was not only a physician but also a statesman.
  53. She speaks multiple languages, including Mandarin and Arabic.
  54. He was a scientist and a researcher.
  55. We went on a hiking trip and saw beautiful scenery.
  56. She cooked a three-course meal and also made cocktails.
  57. He was a businessman and an entrepreneur.
  58. You must avoid smoking otherwise you will not live long.
  59. The teacher entered the room and the boys stopped talking.
  60. We were hungry, so we made food.
  61. She must weep or she will die.
  62. She studied hard and got a scholarship for college.
  63. He wanted to learn how to cook, so he took cooking classes.
  64. They not only went to the concert but also met the band.
  65. Jones is a rich man but he is not honest.
  66. Search his pockets and you will find the watch.
  67. Do as I tell you, or you will regret it.
  68. Speak and you will die.
  69. Speak or die.
  70. He did his best, still, he failed.
  71. My father gave me a pen and I have lost it.
  72. He worked hard, yet did not succeed.
  73. John did his best but could not succeed.
  74. We make our fortunes and we call them fate.
  75. He is poor but I know that he is an honest man.
  76. She speaks English, Spanish, and Italian fluently.
  77. He was a journalist and a writer.
  78. We went on a camping trip and roasted marshmallows over a campfire.

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