Subordinating conjunctions are used to connect clauses which are not of equal rank. One clause depends on the other for completing its meaning.
Subordinating Conjunctions in English denote time, place, reason, effect, purpose, manner, condition, comparison, opposition and contrast. In this post, we will only discuss Contrast Conjunctions.

Contrast Conjunctions
Contrast conjunctions are used to connect clauses which are not of equal rank and are considered to be different.
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Some examples of contrast conjunctions include Although, on the other hand, but, however, instead, in contrast, on the contrary.
- Although she was ill, she did his duties.
- Although he was tired, he decided to finish the work.
- Though he was warned, he took the risk.
- Although the restaurant was expensive, the food was not up to the mark.
- Though he was young, he had a lot of responsibility.
- Despite the traffic, she arrived on time.
- She loves pizza, but she is allergic to cheese.
- I want to go out, but I need to finish this project first.
- He is very smart, although he doesn’t always apply himself.
- While she enjoys playing video games, her sister prefers reading.
- Despite her fear of heights, she climbed to the top of the mountain.
- He is a great athlete, but he struggles with his academic studies.
- Even though she had a headache, she went to the concert anyway.
- Although the restaurant was expensive, the food was worth it.
- While he is a talented musician, he has trouble performing in front of crowds.
- Despite the long hours, he enjoys his job.
- She loves animals, but she is allergic to cats.
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Use of Conjunctions

Types of Conjunctions