English Conjunctions

English conjunctions are words used to join sentences, phrases or clauses.

Types of English Conjunctions

English Conjunctions that join the clauses are subdivided into two main classes –

  • Co-ordinating
  • Subordinating

Coordinating Conjunctions

They are used to connect sentences, phrases or clauses of equal rankCoordinating Conjunctions are of four types 

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  • Cumulative – and, both….and, also, too, as well as, not only….but also, no less than
  • Alternative – or, either….or, neither….nor, otherwise, else
  • Adversative – but, still, yet, however, nevertheless, only, whereas,
  • Illative – so, for, therefore, then

Subordinating Conjunctions

They are used to connect clauses that are not of equal rank. One clause depends on another to complete its meaning. Subordinating conjunctions indicate time, place, cause, effect, purpose, manner, condition, comparison, apposition, and contrast.

  • Apposition – that, why, how
  • Reason – as, because
  • Purpose – that, so that, in order that
  • Effect – that
  • Condition – if, provided
  • Contrast – though, although
  • Comparison – as, as much as, no less than
  • Manner – as, so far as
  • Time – before, after, when
  • Place – where, wherever

English Conjunctions With Examples


  • Rini and Sita went to school.
  • The boy, as well as the girl, is guilty.
  • Tom plays not only the drum but also the flute.
  • She was not only accused but also convicted.


  • “Do or die”.
  • Read or you will fail.
  • I shall go there or they will come here.
  • Either she or her parents did this work.
  • Neither he nor his father was guilty.
  • Tony is poor but honest.
  • He is rich whereas his brother is poor.
  • India played well, yet they lost the match.
  • Tapas Sen is a brave man, so he does not feel afraid.
  • Rahim was ill, so he could not come to school.
  • We know that he is honest.
  • I don’t know how she has done this work alone.
  • Rokul deserves the reward because she has worked hard.
  • As I am ill, I cannot go.
  • Since I am ill, I cannot go there.
  • I study hard so that I may pass the examination.
  • Amal took medicine in order that he might get well.
  • Tom talked so much that his voice became hoarse.
  • You lie so often that nobody believes you.
  • If you come, we shall go there.
  • You will fail unless you work hard.
  • Though he is poor, he is honest.
  • Bishal finished first though he began late.
  • This ripe mango is as sweet as honey.
  • He loves action no less than fiction.
  • He is taller than my sister.
  • The Earth is larger than the moon.
  • It happened precisely as I told you.
  • This is not right, so far as I can find out.
  • The patient had died before the doctor came.
  • Alisha came when I was getting ready to go out.
  • I shall read this book until my father comes back.
  • I’ll go wherever he goes.
  • You can stay wherever you like.

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