Examples of Positive Sentences

The positive sentence does not contain Negative words like not, never, no one, nobody, none, nor, nothing etc.

In this post, we present you the top 120+ Examples of Positive Sentences.

Examples of Positive Sentences

Examples of Positive Sentences

  1. The universe is full of exciting possibilities.
  2. I am competent in achieving my objectives.
  3. Today the sun is shining brilliantly.
  4. People who love and encourage me to surround me.
  5. I am thankful for all of my gifts.
  6. Everything is working in my favour.
  7. I am certain of my skills.
  8. The options are limitless.
  9. I’m looking forward to what the future brings.
  10. The grandeur of nature makes me happy.
  11. I’m always learning and developing.
  12. I am fortunate to have a healthy body and intellect.
  13. There are many good people in the universe.
  14. My feelings and emotions are under my control.
  15. Life is filled with unexpected events and miracles.
  16. Only the brave deserve the fair.
  17. As soon as she saw the snake she ran off.
  18. I am surrounded by wealth and abundance.
  19. I am thankful for every single moment of my existence.
  20. The cosmos is plentiful and generous.
  21. I am encircled by beauty and happiness.
  22. The universe is a magical realm filled with awe and wonder.
  23. I am an invincible creator of my own world.
  24. Life is filled with exciting experiences and adventures.
  25. I am thankful for the affection I have in my life.
  26. I am strong enough to overcome any challenge.
  27. Every instant, the universe is there for me.
  28. I live in a loving and supportive society.
  29. I am fortunate to live a peaceful and harmonious existence.
  30. There are numerous opportunities for growth and learning in the universe.
  31. I believe in my capacity to succeed.
  32. I am surrounded by creativity and motivation.
  33. I am fortunate to have a great family and friends.
  34. The world always conspires in my favour.
  35. Only a fool can say this.
  36. He is a dull boy.
  37. Life is a bed of thorns.
  38. I appreciate the opportunities to learn and develop.
  39. I am surrounded by the uplifting and optimistic energy.
  40. Life is a precious gift that should be treasured and honoured.
  41. I am capable of designing an existence that I enjoy.
  42. The universe is full of wonderful and one-of-a-kind people.
  43. I live in a supportive and loving atmosphere.
  44. He is a good boy.
  45. He is a great fool.
  46. We love our motherland.
  47. I am as great as you.
  48. He is greater than I.
  49. I appreciate the abundance of love in my existence.
  50. The world always provides me with what I require.
  51. I’m surrounded by natural beauty and motivation.
  52. Life is a voyage of self-discovery and psychological development.
  53. I have the potential to be exceptional.
  54. People who believe in me encircle me.
  55. Every mother loves her child.
  56. I am conscious of my faults.
  57. She tried every plan.
  58. I am thankful for the chance to make a difference.
  59. The world is filled with incredible and inspiring tales.
  60. I am encircled by a group of people who share my values.
  61. He is going.
  62. I had to go there.
  63. She is more intelligent than I am.
  64. I have been blessed with an existence full of love and happiness.
  65. The universe is always directing me towards my highest benefit.
  66. I am surrounded by wonder and loveliness.
  67. Life is a precious blessing that should be treasured and appreciated.
  68. He is as brave as a lion.
  69. He loves me.
  70. He had a good reason for saying this.
  71. He is doing the sum.
  72. He was a brave soldier.
  73. India is an independent country.
  74. People of various communities live in New York.
  75. Germany was defeated in the Second World War.
  76. The sun rises in the east.
  77. Damascus is known to be the oldest city in the world.
  78. Two thousand people lost their lives in the earthquake.
  79. George Washington was the first President of the USA.
  80. The sky is cloudless.
  81. This boy is quite innocent.
  82. My mother is a little better today.
  83. He is scarcely twelve years old.
  84. The train left when we reached the station.
  85. He is too proud to beg.
  86. He is too young to travel alone.
  87. I am as strong as you.
  88. He is as cunning as a fox.
  89. I would as soon die as injure you.
  90. I shall always remember you.
  91. Your friend is dishonest.
  92. He tried every plan.
  93. Everybody knows this.
  94. He prefers cold coffee.
  95. Dipak plays football.
  96. They played football.
  97. Everyone loves his own country.
  98. We feel pain when we are pricked.
  99. The rose is very beautiful.
  100. This is indeed a beautiful sunset.
  101. A little knowledge is a very dangerous thing.
  102. It is a real job.
  103. It is very cold tonight.
  104. The scene is very beautiful indeed.
  105. Ram loved Laxman.
  106. I was doubtful whether you would come.
  107. He always speaks the truth.
  108. Everyone admitted that the girl was cute.
  109. I am extremely tired.
  110. He has promised to abstain from wine always.
  111. Wherever there is smoke, there is fire.
  112. We all want to attend the Durga Puja.
  113. He will come tomorrow morning for this meeting.
  114. He bought ten shirts for me.
  115. Tom plays cricket well.
  116. Peter has taught him how to play cricket.
  117. Mary put the money in the chest of drawers.
  118. He left India for the USA ten years back.
  119. Jack is fond of eating
  120. Africa is a land of variety.
  121. I am capable of living a joyful and fulfilling existence.
  122. The universe is full of opportunities and possibilities.
  123. People who inspire and drive me to surround me.
  124. I am grateful for my life’s abundance of affection and happiness.
  125. The universe is constantly presenting me with new chances for growth and learning.
  126. Every instant, I am surrounded by beauty and positivity.

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