Prepositions of Time and Place

A preposition is a word that is placed before a noun or noun equivalent to show its relation to some other word in the sentence. 

After going through this post, you will be able to understand the concept of ‘Prepositions of Time and Place.’

Prepositions of Time and Place

Prepositions of Time and Place

Prepositions of Time

In On At Prepositions of Time


Parts of the dayIn the morning/in the evening (but at night)
MonthsIn December
SeasonsIn (the) spring
DecadesIn the 1990’s centuries
CenturiesIn the 20th century


Days of the weekOn Tuesday/Friday dates
DatesOn (the) 15th of May/ on May 15
Specific DaysOn Good Friday
On New Year’s Day
On my birthday
On the following day.


Clock TimeAt 6 o’clock, at 8.30 p.m.
NightAt night
Holiday PeriodAt Christmas
At the weekend
At the Pooja vacation

In, After Prepositions of Time

  • John returned after a week.
  • I hope to recover in a week.
  • We went to see Alisha after a few days.
  • The doctor took the weight of the patient after a month.

In, Within, By, Before Prepositions of Time

  • There was no garbage at all in the house.
  • I wrote the script in a month.
  • I shall send you the details of the incident within a month.
  • I shall finish the work by/before Saturday next.
  • He prepared all his lessons within three hours.
  • The man was to come here by/before 5 p.m. on Tuesday.
  • We shall reach the party in an hour.
  • Please see me by Saturday next.
  • You will reach there by/before 1 o’clock.

Since, From, For Prepositions of Time

  • He has been missing for these two days.
  • You may rest here for a few days.
  • He was on leave from Saturday last.
  • The train will not stop here from next week.
  • I have not seen you for a long time.
  • It has been raining continuously since Saturday last.
  • Lisa has been learning English since February last.
  • Alisha has been learning Hindi for the last five months.
  • A yoga class will be opened in our school from the next session.

Prepositions of Place


  • My wallet is in my backpack.
  • The books are in the library.
  • The food is in the fridge.
  • The painting is hanging in the museum.
  • The plane is in the hangar.
  • The keys are in the drawer.
  • The fish is swimming in the aquarium.


  • She is waiting for you at the bus stop.
  • The conference will take place at the hotel.
  • The concert is at the stadium.
  • I’ll see you at the entrance of the mall.
  • Let’s meet at the coffee shop.
  • The store is located at the corner of the street.


  • The mug is on the coaster.
  • The hat is on the rack.
  • The ship is sailing on the ocean.
  • The sticker is on the notebook.
  • The ball is on the court.
  • The luggage is on the conveyor belt.


  • The car is parked behind the building.
  • The cat is hiding behind the couch.
  • The children are playing behind the school.
  • The restaurant is located behind the gas station.
  • The man is walking behind the woman.
  • The rabbit is hiding behind the tree.


  • We sat by the fire.  
  • She sat by me.
  • There is a School by my house.
  • She was sitting by Niharika.
  • There is a Bank by my house.
  • We were sitting by the fire.
  • There is a hospital by our Hanuman Temple.
  • The telephone is by the Window.


  • Man is above all.
  • There is a fan above my head.
  • The sky above our heads is blue.
  • He held an umbrella above her.


  • The helicopter is hovering over the city.
  • The kite is flying over the park.
  • The clouds are over the mountain.
  • The birds are flying over the trees.
  • The aeroplane is flying over the hills.
  • The banner is hanging over the entrance.


  • The boat is sailing under the bridge.
  • The roots of the tree are under the ground.
  • The fish is swimming under the water.
  • The book is under the pillow.
  • The sun is shining under the clouds.
  • The car is parked under the tree.


  • The roots of the tree are below the ground.
  • The magma is flowing below the Earth’s crust.
  • The treasure is buried below the sand.
  • The scuba diver is exploring the reef below the waves.
  • The basement is located below the main level of the house.
  • The mouse is hiding below the floorboards.


  • The woman is sitting beside her husband.
  • The car is parked beside the curb.
  • The restaurant is located beside the movie theatre.
  • The tree is growing beside the fence.
  • The vase is beside the fireplace.
  • The boat is moored beside the dock.

More Prepositions of Time and Place Coming Soon……………

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