A preposition is a word that is usually used before a noun or pronoun and shows its relationship to other words in a sentence.
In this post, you will find a detailed discussion about Prepositions of Location (at, in, on, behind, by, above, over, under, below, beside)

Prepositions of Location
IN Prepositions of Location
- The plane is in the hangar.
- The keys are in the drawer.
- The fish is swimming in the aquarium.
- The medicine is in the cabinet.
- My brother lives in New York.
AT Prepositions of Location
- The concert is at the stadium.
- I’ll see you at the entrance of the mall.
- Let’s meet at the coffee shop.
- The store is located at the corner of the street.
- We will have lunch at the cafeteria.
- The movie starts at 7 PM at the cinema.
- He is at the shop.
ON Prepositions of Location
- The sticker is on the notebook.
- The ball is on the court.
- The luggage is on the conveyor belt.
- Leave the glasses on the table.
- They sat on the grass.
- We stood on one foot.
BEHIND Prepositions of Location
- The car is parked behind the building.
- The cat is hiding behind the couch.
- The children are playing behind the school.
- The restaurant is located behind the gas station.
- The man is walking behind the woman.
- The rabbit is hiding behind the tree.
BY Prepositions of Location
- The vase is by the fireplace.
- The house is by the sea.
- The boat is anchored by the dock.
- The bus station is by the main road.
- The shoes are by the front door.
- There is a school by our Hanuman Temple.
ABOVE Prepositions of Location
- The bird is flying above the clouds.
- The aeroplane is flying above the city.
- The stars are above us.
- The helicopter is hovering above the building.
- The roof is above our heads.
OVER Prepositions of Location
- The birds are flying over the trees.
- The aeroplane is flying over the hills.
- The banner is hanging over the entrance.
- The roof of the car is over our heads.
- There is a fan over my head.
- The sky over our heads is blue.
UNDER Prepositions of Location
- The book is under the pillow.
- The sun is shining under the clouds.
- The car is parked under the tree.
- The rock is under the sand.
- The rabbit is hiding under the bush.
- The child is crawling under the table.
BELOW Prepositions of Location
- The scuba diver is exploring the reef below the waves.
- The basement is located below the main level of the house.
- The mouse is hiding below the floorboards.
- The flashlight is shining below the stairs.
- The miners are drilling below the earth’s surface.
- Just below the questions, there are answers.
BESIDE Prepositions of Location
- The tree is growing beside the fence.
- The vase is beside the fireplace.
- The boat is moored beside the dock.
- The child is playing beside his friends.
- Who is that sitting beside you?
Prepositions of Location Exercises
- She lives ………………. Delhi.
- There’s not a cloud ………………… the sky.
- The children are playing ………………… the street.
- She is sitting ………………… a chair.
- He is …………………… the shop.
- My brother lives …………………….. London.
- There is a big temple dedicated to Lord Shiva ………………… our village.
- There is a museum ……………….. New York.
- There lived a juggler ………………….. this village.
- We waited ……………….. the corner of the street.
- She is …………………….. school.
- They live ……………………. Berlin.
- I saw the pictures ………………… my uncle’s house.
- Kamal is ………………. Washington now.
- He is ……………….. the shop.
- Rohit lives …………………………Siliguri.
- They are moving ………………….. Park Street.
- We sat ………………… the tree.
- I have put on a vest …………………. the shirt.
- Stand ……………….. your father.
- The road is ………………. the river.
- The man is standing ……………………. the tree.
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