A phrase is a group of words without a finite verb. In other words, A phrase is a collection of words without a subject or predicate.
In this post, we present you with some important Phrases exercises with answers after question, allowing you to check your answers instantly.

Phrases Exercises with Answers
Phrases Exercise #1
Identify the phrases in each sentence given below and also mention the types of phrases:
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The boy without a jacket is cold.
without a jacket(Adjective Phrase)
She keeps her ex-boyfriend at arm’s length.
at arm’s length(Adverbial Phrase)
I saw Lisa earlier, but now she’s nowhere to be found, maybe she went somewhere else.
somewhere else. (Adv. away)(Adverbial Phrase)
Lisa succeeded in life by virtue of honesty.
by virtue of(Prepositional Phrase)
Pamela shouted at the top of his voice.
at the top of(Prepositional Phrase)
You can find that brand at all places that sell cosmetics.
at all places. (Adv. everywhere)(Adverbial Phrase)
The man with a big nose is a comedian.
with a big nose(Adjective Phrase)
The pen on the table is blue.
on the table(Adjective Phrase)
The computer with the broken screen is useless.
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with the broken screen(Adjective Phrase)
The building next to the park is a library.
next to the park(Adjective Phrase)
The company is looking for a candidate with experience in marketing.
candidate with experience(Noun Phrase)
The author wrote a book on the topic of environmentalism.
book on the topic of environmentalism(Noun Phrase)
The musician composed a song about the theme of love.
song about the theme of love(Noun Phrase)
The teacher gave a lecture on the subject of history.
lecture on the subject of history(Noun Phrase)
Phrases Exercise #2
Identify the phrases in each sentence given below and also mention the types of phrases:
The bird chirping in the tree is a robin.
chirping in<(Adjective Phrase)/p>
The waves crashing on the shore are so loud.
crashing on(Adjective Phrase)
The couple promised to stick together through thick and thin.
through thick and thin(Adverbial Phrase)
He decided to leave the company on his own accord.
on his own accord. (Adv. voluntarily) (Adverbial Phrase)
He was absent because of his illness.
because of (Prepositional Phrase)
The accident occurred in front of the house.
in front of(Prepositional Phrase)
In the middle of the night, she woke up.
In the middle of(Prepositional Phrase)
The competitors fought tooth and nail to win the championship.
tooth and nail (Adv. desperately)(Adverbial Phrase)
The flowers blooming in the meadow are a sight to see.
blooming in(Adjective Phrase)
The man running after the bus is going to be late.
running after(Adjective Phrase)
The raging storm caused widespread destruction.
raging storm(Noun Phrase)
The howling wind kept us awake all night.
howling wind(Noun Phrase)
The fallen leaves covered the ground.
fallen leaves(Noun Phrase)
The shining stars lit up the night sky.
shining stars(Noun Phrase)
I am not in agreement with him on this upcoming project.
in agreement with(Prepositional Phrase)
In comparison with her previous job, her new position had better benefits.
In comparison with(Prepositional Phrase)
In connection with the investigation, the police questioned several witnesses.
in connection with(Prepositional Phrase)
The melting snow revealed the green grass beneath.
melting snow(Noun Phrase)
The roaring lion scared away its prey.
roaring lion(Noun Phrase)
The rustling leaves alerted the squirrel.
rustling leaves(Noun Phrase)
The chirping birds woke us up in the morning.
chirping birds(Noun Phrase)
The racing car broke the speed record.
racing car (Noun Phrase)
Horses live in dark stables.
dark stables(Noun Phrase)
Phrases Exercise #3
Identify the phrases in each sentence given below and also mention the types of phrases:
She loves watching romantic comedies.
watching romantic comedies(Noun Phrase)
They dislike studying for exams.
studying for exams(Noun Phrase)
The couple had been together for a long time before finally deciding to get married.
for a long time(Adverbial Phrase)
Every Now and then, the old man would sit on the porch and tell stories about his youth.
Every Now and then (Adv. frequently)(Adverbial Phrase)
The flowers in the garden will bloom in time for the wedding next week.
in time (Adv. eventually)(Adverbial Phrase)
He is considering taking a vacation.
taking a vacation(Noun Phrase)
I am out of sorts today.
out of sorts(Adjective Phrase)
I am hard up at present.
hard up(Adjective Phrase)
Are you hard of hearing?
hard of hearing(Adjective Phrase)
His efforts were crowned with success.
crowned with success(Adjective Phrase)
They are considering adopting a dog.
adopting a dog(Noun Phrase)
He has started taking yoga classes.
taking yoga classes(Noun Phrase)
She needs to buy a new phone.
a new phone (Noun Phrase)
They enjoy hiking in the mountains.
hiking in the mountains(Noun Phrase)
She has decided to quit her job.
to quit her job(Noun Phrase)
Phrases Exercise #4
Identify the phrases in each sentence given below and also mention the types of phrases:
His eyes are as red as a rose.
as red as a rose(Adjective Phrase)
The wind is as cold as ice.
as cold as ice(Adjective Phrase)
The sun is as hot as fire.
as hot as fire(Adjective Phrase)
The flowers in the garden will bloom in time for the wedding next week.
in time (Adv. eventually)(Adverbial Phrase)
Now and then, she would check her phone for any important messages.
Now and then (Adv. occasionally)(Adverbial Phrase)
The athlete trained off and on for months before finally winning the championship.
off and on (Adv. irregularly)(Adverbial Phrase)
We’re planning on watching a movie with friends later tonight.
planning on watching a movie (Verb Phrase)
I like cleaning the house on weekends to keep it organized.
like cleaning the house (Verb Phrase)
The water is as clear as a crystal.
as clear as a crystal(Adjective Phrase)
The mountain is as tall as a skyscraper.
as tall as a skyscraper(Adjective Phrase)
Phrases Exercise #5
Identify the phrases in each sentence given below and also mention the types of phrases:
The river is infused with the sound of rushing water.
infused with(Adjective Phrase)
He was fortunate with his sons.
fortunate with(Adjective Phrase)
Let’s go for a walk in the park and enjoy the fresh air.
go for a walk (Verb Phrase)
On the ground of safety concerns, the event was cancelled.
on the ground of(Prepositional Phrase)
Food and water are essential for human survival.
Food and water(Noun Phrase)
The company is experiencing a shortage of employees and funds.
employees and funds(Noun Phrase)
Strength and endurance are required to complete this challenge.
Strength and endurance(Noun Phrase)
On the pretence of going to the store, she secretly met her lover.
On the pretense of(Prepositional Phrase)
With a view to improving her health, she started going to the gym regularly.
with a view to(Prepositional Phrase)
Eating a healthy breakfast is important for a good start to the day.
Eating a healthy breakfast (Verb Phrase)
The plant is sensitive to the touch.
sensitive to(Adjective Phrase)
Phrases Exercise #6
Identify the phrases in each sentence given below and also mention the types of phrases:
The girls were running to and fro.
to and fro(Adverbial Phrase)
They left their home country to pursue better opportunities in a foreign country.
foreign country. (Adv. abroad)(Adverbial Phrase)
The politician has a reputation for honesty.
reputation for honesty(Noun Phrase)
India is rich in minerals.
rich in (Adjective Phrase)
Truthfulness is foreign to your nature.
foreign to(Adjective Phrase)
The computer screen is cracked.
The computer screen(Noun Phrase)
His office desk is cluttered.
His office desk(Noun Phrase)
The museum is full of ancient artefacts.
full of(Adjective Phrase)
The beach is crowded with tourists during the summer.
crowded with(Adjective Phrase)
The country is on the brink of disaster.
on the brink of(Prepositional Phrase)
On the ground of safety concerns, the event was cancelled.
On the ground of (Prepositional Phrase)
In the event of an emergency, please follow the instructions provided by the government.
in the event of(Prepositional Phrase)
The city is renowned for its beautiful architecture.
renowned for (Adjective Phrase)
The air is heavy with the scent of blooming flowers.
heavy with(Adjective Phrase)
My sister enjoys singing a song in the shower.
enjoys singing(Verb Phrase)
I go running for exercise every morning.
go running(Verb Phrase)
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