Some conjunctions are used in paired sentences, they are called Correlative Conjunctions or Correlatives.
Following are some important Correlative Conjunctions Exercises.

Correlative Conjunctions Exercises
Correlative Conjunctions Exercises #1
Daily Grammar Test - Attempt Now
- She loves………pizza……….ice cream.
- The book is………….informative………….interesting.
- ……………money………….respect are necessary for human life.
- We………………………respect our parents.
- They……………love…………….care for each other.
- She loves both pizza and ice cream.
- The book is both informative and interesting.
- Both money and respect are necessary for human life.
- We both love and respect our parents.
- They both love and care for each other.
Correlative Conjunctions Exercises #2
- You can………….choose a blue shirt……………..a pink shirt for the party.
- …………… brother…………….. I will go to the market today.
- The man is………………..a saint……………….a clevis.
- Come………………today……………..tomorrow.
- You can…………… the house now………………..wait until the price goes down.
- You can either choose a blue shirt or a pink shirt for the party.
- Either my brother or I will go to the market today.
- The man is either a saint or a clevis.
- Come either today or tomorrow.
- You can either buy the house now or wait until the price goes down.
Correlative Conjunctions Exercises #3
- The shirt is………………pink……………….white.
- ……………..John…………..his father was present.
- …………….John……………Lisa likes spicy food.
- Alisha is…………beautiful…………….hardworking.
- He owns……………a car………………a bike.
- The shirt is neither pink nor white.
- Neither John nor his father was present.
- Neither John nor Lisa likes spicy food.
- Alisha is neither beautiful nor hardworking.
- He owns neither a car nor a bike.
Correlative Conjunctions Exercises #4
- …………….it was raining heavily, …………….he managed to reach the office in time.
- ………………….he is not rich, ……………..he is honest.
- ………………he is old, ……………….he is strong.
- ……………….Virat Kohli is mainly a batsman, ………………..he can bowl well.
- Though it was raining heavily, yet he managed to reach the office in time.
- Though he is not rich, yet he is honest.
- Though he is old, yet he is strong.
- Though Virat Kohli is mainly a batsman, yet he can bowl well.
Correlative Conjunctions Exercises #5
- I don’t know………………. I should take the bus……………….the train.
- I do not know ………………Peter is guilty…………not.
- You should do it………….. your parents like it…………….not.
- I do not know …………….Monika loves me…………………. not.
- I don’t know whether I should take the bus or the train.
- I do not know whether Peter is guilty or not.
- You should do it whether your parents like it or not.
- I do not know whether Monika loves me or not.
Correlative Conjunctions Exercises #6
Not only…..but (or, but also)
- Lisa is……………a musician………………….a skilled writer.
- Peter is……………..a bad boy……………….a pickpocketer.
- ………………. I, ………………all other citizens love their country.
- She…………………..speaks English fluently…………….understands French very well.
- Diana, Princess of Wales was………………..beautiful………………. accomplished.
- Lisa is not only a musician but also a skilled writer.
- Peter is not only a bad boy but (or, but also) a pickpocketer.
- Not only I, but all other citizens love their country.
- She not only speaks English fluently but also understands French very well.
- Diana, Princess of Wales was not only beautiful but also accomplished.
Correlative Conjunctions Exercises #7
The same……as
- Her car is……………. model……………mine.
- He ordered……………….dish…………..mine, at the restaurant.
- This is ……………….pen………….I lost the other day.
- Your pet is of …………………kind……………. mine.
- Her car is the same model as mine.
- He ordered the same dish as mine, at the restaurant.
- This is the same pen as I lost the other day.
- Your pet is of the same kind as mine.
Correlative Conjunctions Exercises #8
Other…..than, Else……than (or, but)
- I have no……………………friend……………….you.
- I have………….skirts………………this.
- He will take no………………..shirts……………these.
- He has no choice…………….apologises for the mistakes.
- She had no option…………….to accept the marketing job offer.
- I have no other friend than you.
- I have other skirts than this.
- He will take no other shirts than these.
- He has no choice else but apologises for the mistakes.
- She had no option else than to accept the marketing job offer.
Correlative Conjunctions Exercises #9
- I would………..stay home……………..go out to the party tonight.
- He would…………die of starvation…………….beg.
- We had (or, would) ……………….die……………..ever tell a lie.
- Peter would……………….resign…………………..act against his conscience.
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- I would rather stay home than go out to the party tonight.
- He would rather die of starvation than beg.
- We had (or, would) rather die than ever tell a lie.
- Peter would rather resign than act against his conscience.
Correlative Conjunctions Exercises #10
- She is not……………tall……………..her sister.
- The movie was not……………..good…………..I thought it to be.
- John was……………kind……………….to invite me to his house.
- She is not so tall as her sister.
- The movie was not so good as I thought it to be.
- John was so kind as to invite me to his house.
Correlative Conjunctions Exercises #11
- Alisha is not………..a fool………….he seems to be.
- Rupankar is not……………a clever boy……………you take him to be.
- Alisha is not such a fool as he seems to be.
- Rupankar is not such a clever boy as you take him to be.
Correlative Conjunctions Exercises #12
So……that, Such……that
- The music was………………loud………………I can not concentrate on my studies.
- He is…………….weak………………..he cannot walk.
- She is……………intelligent…………….she got a job offer at the age of 23
- The movie was………………scary………………I had nightmares for 2 days.
- The traffic was………….. a mess……………..we were stuck on the road.
- The movie was………………a box office hit…………………it broke all records.
- The music was so loud that I can not concentrate on my studies.
- He is so weak that he cannot walk.
- She is so intelligent that she got a job offer at the age of 23
- The movie was so scary that I had nightmares for 2 days.
- The traffic was such a mess that we were stuck on the road.
- The movie was such a box office hit that it broke all records.
Correlative Conjunctions Exercises #13
- ………….you sow, ……………shall you reap.
- ………………..he is a doctor……………….he gives good advice.
- As you sow, so shall you reap.
- As he is a doctor so he gives good advice.
Correlative Conjunctions Exercises #14
No sooner…..than, Hardly…..before or when, Scarcely…..when
- ………………..the concert began…………………..the light went off.
- ……………….had I started…………………it began to rain.
- …………………had they reached the station……………………the train left.
- …………………..did Jim see me………………….he ran away.
- ………………….had I started my homework……………….my friend came.
- …………….had he entered the room……………….he was struck on his head.
- …………………..had I stepped outside………………….. I realised I had forgotten my wallet.
- No sooner the concert began than the light went off.
- No sooner had I started than it began to rain.
- No sooner had they reached the station than the train left.
- No sooner did Jim see me than he ran away.
- Hardly had I started my homework when my friend came.
- Hardly had he entered the room when he was struck on his head.
- Scarcely had I stepped outside when I realised I had forgotten my wallet.
Also, Read

Use of Conjunctions

Prepositions Used in a Sentence

Prepositions of Place Worksheets