English Grammar

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Time and Tense

Tense denotes the time of performing a verb. Present Indefinite Tense denotes an action in the present form, habitual truth, historical truth, or eternal truth (universal truth)… Read More »

Subject Verb Agreement

The Verbs agree with the Subjects in number and person. This is called Subject Verb Agreement or Syntax. A Singular Subject takes a Singular Verb and a Plural Subject takes a Plural Verb… Read More »


An Adverb is a word that usually modifies a Verb, an Adjective, or another Adverb. However, in some cases, it can modify any part of speech or phrase or the whole sentence. It describes when where, why, how how much, etc… Read More »


Punctuation is the use of marks for pauses in speech. It is used in writing to make it meaningful and helpful for pronunciation. Hence the process of using marks of pause is called Punctuation.… Read More »

Splitting Sentences

Sometimes a bigger sentence can be split up into short sentences. This process is called ‘Splitting’. Actually, it is the reverse process of ‘Joining’.… Read More »

Joining Sentences

Two or more than two short sentences can usually be joined into a single sentence. This process is called Joining. We can join two or more sentences into a single sentence by making it … Read More »


A Participle is that form of a verb that ends in -ing/-d/-ed/-t/-n/-en. A Participle is a Double Part of Speech -a verb and an adjective combined… Read More »

Sentence Patterns

A large number of students face problems while dealing with the questions set for testing Writing skills. They should practice the following Sentence patterns to strengthen their skills in writing Reports, Paragraphs Letters, etc.… Read More »


Modifiers may be placed before or after the Nouns, Pronouns, or Noun-groups and are used to modify them. A Modifier that is placed before a Noun, Pronoun, or Noun-group is called Premodifier..… Read More »

Parts of Speech

A sentence is a group of words having a clear meaning). Hence, words used in sentences are called parts of speech. There are eight types of Parts of Speech in English.… Read More »

Nominal Compound

A nominal compound is a combination of two or more words performing the function of a noun as one unit. We had a light talk when we sat at the tea table.… Read More »

Wh Questions

Sometimes we ask questions to know yes or no and sometimes some specific answers. Hence questions are of two types: Yes, No Questions, and Wh Questions… Read More »

Transformation of Sentence

Transformation of a sentence is the change of form of the sentence without changing the meaning. Transformation of Sentence by using a Noun Clause or Nominal Clause… Read More »

Prefixes and Suffixes

In English, fixing a group of letters to a word to change its meaning, number, state, or form is known as the System of Affixation. A prefix is a small group of letters that are affixed at the beginning of the word.… Read More »

Active and Passive Voice

A sentence can be either in the Active or in the Passive Voice. In an Active Voice, the Subject performs the action. In a Passive Voice, the Subject receives the action done in a passive way.… Read More »

Types of Sentences

A word or a group of words having a clear meaning in a given context is called a sentence. Sentences are of five types according to their functions. Sentences often have different functions … Read More »


A determiner is a word that is used to modify a noun or a noun phrase. It is a word that provides context or reference to a noun. It can also show the quantity, quality, position, or specificity of the noun… Read More »


A Verb that is not limited by the Tense of the verb or the person and number of the subject is called the Non-finite Verb, Verb Infinite, or Simply Infinitive.… Read More »


A Gerund is that form a Verb that ends in ‘-ing’ and has the force of a Noun and a Verb. Hence, It is a ‘Double part of Speech’ – a noun and verb combined.… Read More »


A preposition is a word that is placed before a noun or noun equivalent to show its relation to some other word in the sentence. The noun or noun-equivalent before which a preposition is used is called its object or complement.… Read More »

Figures of Speech

Figures of speech are literary devices which are used to convey ideas that go beyond their literal meaning. Functions of Figures of Speech Figures of speech add beauty to the language by enhancing the verses’ visual, aural and sensory appeal… Read More »


Conjunctions are words used to join sentences, phrases or clauses. Conjunctions join words or phrases I need a pen and a pencil. I need a pen or a pencil. I need not a pen but a pencil. I need a pen as well as a pencil of good quality… Read More »

Auxiliary Verbs

Auxiliary Verbs are verbs that merely help principal verbs in the formation of various verb forms. Auxiliary verbs are important as structural verbs… Read More »

Main and Helping Verbs

A verb is a word that denotes being, having, or doing something. Verbs are classified in four different ways: Main and Helping Verbs, Transitive and Intransitive, Finite and Nonfinite, State and Event… Read More »

Homophones and Homonyms

Often, a word can have multiple meanings despite having the same sound or spelling. If someone does not have proper knowledge of such words, understanding English can be a difficult task. Therefore, understanding the distinction between homonyms, homophones, and homographs is extremely important… Read More »

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