Preposition Worksheets for Class 7

A preposition is a word that usually comes before a noun, a pronoun or a gerund. The word that comes after the preposition is called the object of the preposition. It expresses the relationship between its object and another word or idea in the sentence.

In this post, we have added the top-quality Preposition Worksheets for Class 7.

Preposition Worksheets for Class 7

Preposition Worksheets for Class 7

  1. They were deaf …………………… my cries.
    a) at b) to c) with d) on
  2. Physical exercise is beneficial …………………….. health.
    a) with b) for c) to d) of
  3. Are you aware ………………….. your responsibilities?
    a) about b) of c) after d) on
  4. We cannot comply …………………… your request.
    a) to b) with c) at d) on
  5. I want to go…………………… the papers one last time.
    a) through b) with c) on d) for
  6. I complimented Lisa ……………… her new pink dress.
    a) at b) for c) on d) with
  7. Peter wants his family to go……. with him
    a) about b) along c) of d) around
  8. The judge called………….an explanation from the defendant.
    a) on b) for c) at d) out
  9. You should consume two pills…….. meals
    a) in b) after c) during d) with
  10. A committee has been appointed to inquire ………………… the accident.
    a) about b) into c) after d) of


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  1. They were deaf to my cries.
  2. Physical exercise is beneficial to health.
  3. Are you aware of your responsibilities?
  4. We cannot comply with your request.
  5. I want to go through the papers one last time.
  6. I complimented Lisa on her new pink dress.
  7. Peter wants his family to go along with him.
  8. The judge called for an explanation from the defendant.
  9. You should consume two pills after meals.
  10. A committee has been appointed to inquire into the accident.

Also, Read Prepositions of Place Worksheets

  1. Vegetarians abstain …………………….. eating meat. (from / with)
  2. Good food is absolutely essential …………………….. our health. (for/to/with)
  3. The jury absolved him ………………….. the crime. (of / off / from)
  4. They wed…………the 3rd of December. (on/during/from)
  5. Our garden abounds ………………… roses. (with / in)
  6. Tulips abound ……………….. the Netherlands. (with / in)
  7. He was arrested for his abusive treatment ………………… the dog. (with / to / of)
  8. Canoes were provided……………..transportation. (to / for / with)
  9. My daughter accompanied me ……………….. the trip. (on / by / with)
  10. Place the bolster………………….. the two cushions. (between / with / by)


  1. Vegetarians abstain from eating meat.
  2. Good food is absolutely essential for our health.
  3. The jury absolved him of the crime.
  4. They wed on the 23rd of December.
  5. Our garden abounds with roses.
  6. Tulips abound in the Netherlands.
  7. He was arrested for his abusive treatment of the dog.
  8. Canoes were provided for transportation.
  9. My daughter accompanied me on the trip.
  10. Place the bolster between the two cushions.

  1. He deals ………………….. diamonds.
    a) at b) with c) in d) of
  2. One must not deviate ……………………. the path of truth and virtue.
    a) to b) from c) with d) out
  3. Eventually, I persuaded her to comply ……………………… my requests.
    a) at b) with c) at d) from
  4. There is no cure …………………… AIDS yet.
    a) of b) for c) by d) with
  5. She is keen ………………….. going abroad.
    a) at b) on c) with d) none
  6. This article makes several allusions ………………………… the Vedas.
    a) at b) with c) to d) of
  7. He was anxious ………………….. contact his wife.
    a) about b) of c) at d) to
  8. She has no aptitude ………………… music or dance.
    a) to b) for c) with d) None of these
  9. Peter kept the books…………the shelf.
    a) at b) in c) on d) none of these
  10. He was brought ………………….. by his grandmother.
    a) about b) out c) in d) up


  1. He deals in diamonds.
  2. One must not deviate from the path of truth and virtue.
  3. Eventually, I persuaded her to comply with my requests.
  4. There is no cure for AIDS yet.
  5. She is keen on going abroad.
  6. This article makes several allusions to the Vedas.
  7. He was anxious to contact his wife.
  8. She has no aptitude for music or dance.
  9. Peter kept the books on the shelf.
  10. He was brought up by his grandmother.

Also, Read a List of Prepositions with Examples

  1. He wore a golden ring …………………………….. his finger.
  2. There is a coat ……………………………… a hook.
  3. He has no chance ………………………….. winning.
  4. I need a dictionary ……………………………… Spanish.
  5. He is a professor ………………………….. Mathematics.
  6. Please speak …………………………. English.
  7. The poem was written………………………… biro (a kind of ball pen).
  8. The lines were printed ……………………………….. italics.
  9. Say it ………………………….. a few words.
  10. He goes ……………………….. a morning walk.


  1. on 
  2. on 
  3. of
  4. of
  5. of
  6. in 
  7.  in
  8. in 
  9. in 
  10.  for 

  1. The dog rushed ……………………….. me.
  2. The Cloud is a poem ………………………. Shelley.
  3. I went to Delhi …………………….. bus.
  4. May I pay ……………………………. cheque?
  5. I will contact you ………………………. letter/telephone.
  6. He earns his living ……………………….. writing.
  7. I’m on holiday ……………………….. 5th January.
  8. You should consume two pills………..meals.
  9. He was blind ………………………. birth.
  10. He died ………………………… overwork.


  1. at 
  2. by 
  3. by
  4. by
  5. by
  6. by
  7. from
  8. after
  9. from
  10. from

Also, Read Gerund after Prepositions

Prepositions Homework

Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with prepositions choosing the correct ones from the brackets:

  1. Cloth is sold………………..the metre. (by/with/as)
  2. Do not shout …………….. others are reading. (while/during/by)
  3. I promise to return the book …………………. Monday (by /until/on)
  4. He did not fulfil his promise ………………… it was too late. (until/by/after)
  5. The ship sailed……………………..the West. (towards, in, for)
  6. The young man was employed …………….. my father’s secretary. (like / as)
  7. The secret was kept away……………… his own family. (from/on/by)
  8. Tom came first in his class ……………….. everyone expected. (as / like)
  9. You are free to keep the book …………….. Friday, but I must have it back ………………….. Monday. (until/by)
  10. He orders his friends about, ………………they were his servants. (as if/as)
  11. This plan will go …………………………. your interests. (against/by)

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8 thoughts on “Preposition Worksheets for Class 7”

  1. VALENTINA is saying that in the homework worksheet answers are not given. I think.

  2. Answers of #6 worksheet are not given how can I check my answers not Good otherwise it is good 😀

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