Subordinating conjunctions are used to connect clauses which are not of equal rank. One clause depends on the other for completing its meaning.
Subordinating Conjunctions denote time, place, reason, effect, purpose, manner, condition, comparison, apposition and contrast.
- Apposition – that, why, how
- Reason – as, because
- Purpose – that, so that, in order that
- Effect – that
- Condition – if, provided
- Contrast – though, although
- Comparison – as, as much as, no less than
- Manner – as, so far as
- Time – before, after, when
- Place – where, wherever

Subordinating Conjunctions Exercises
Subordinating Conjunctions Exercise #1
- We know……………he is honest.
- He said………………..he would go.
- Rohi deserves the reward……………….she has worked hard.
- He cannot go out…………………he is ill.
- ………………….she was ill, she could not come to school.
Daily Grammar Test - Attempt Now
- We know that he is honest.
- He said that he would go.
- Rohi deserves the reward because she has worked hard.
- He cannot go out because he is ill.
- As she was ill, she could not come to school.
Subordinating Conjunctions Exercise #2
- We work……………..we may earn a living.
- Men work……………………they may earn a living.
- …………….you come, we shall go there.
- He will die……………he takes poison.
- You will fail………………you work hard.
- We work so that we may earn a living.
- Men work so that they may earn a living.
- If you come, we shall go there.
- He will die if he takes poison.
- You will fail unless you work hard.
Subordinating Conjunctions Exercise #3
- Ask him……………..he will come tomorrow.
- Shut the door……………..the child may not go out.
- I study hard…………….. I may pass the examination.
- Amal took medicine…………………he might get well.
- ………………………I am ill, I cannot go.
- Ask him whether he will come tomorrow.
- Shut the door so that the child may not go out.
- I study hard so that I may pass the examination.
- Amal took medicine in order that he might get well.
- As I am ill, I cannot go.
Subordinating Conjunctions Exercise #4
- …………….I am ill, I cannot go there.
- Tom told us………………..the train had left the station.
- Tori made a promise……………….she would return soon.
- I don’t know……………………she has come.
- I don’t know………………..she has done this work alone.
- Since I am ill, I cannot go there.
- Tom told us that the train had left the station.
- Tori made a promise that she would return soon.
- I don’t know why she has come.
- I don’t know how she has done this work alone.
Subordinating Conjunctions Exercise #5
- Tom talked so much…………………..his voice became hoarse.
- ………………………she was ill, she did his duties.
- ………………………he is poor, he is honest.
- This ripe mango is…………..sweet…………………honey.
- This mango is not…………….sweet………………..honey.
- Tom talked so much that his voice became hoarse.
- Though/Although she was ill, she did his duties.
- Though he is poor, he is honest.
- This ripe mango is as sweet as honey.
- This mango is not so sweet as honey.
Subordinating Conjunctions Exercise #6
- Men will reap,………………….they sow.
- It happened precisely…………………… I told you.
- This doesn’t seem right, ………………………I can find out.
- This is not true,…………………….I can see.
- She is………………….clever……………….I (am).
- Men will reap, as they sow.
- It happened precisely as I told you.
- This doesn’t seem right, so far as I can find out.
- This is not true, so far as I can see.
- She is as clever as I (am).
Subordinating Conjunctions Exercise #7
- She likes you……………. I (like you).
- He loves action………………..fiction.
- He is taller……………….my sister.
- The earth is larger…………………the moon.
- Bishal finished first………………..he began late.
- She likes you as much as I (like you).
- He loves action no less than fiction.
- He is taller than my sister.
- The earth is larger than the moon.
- Bishal finished first though he began late.
Subordinating Conjunctions Exercise #8
- ……………….it was cold, the man did not light a fire.
- ……………… was hard, he did it.
- Rich…………………..he is, he is not happy.
- The boy will never succeed,……………………..hard he works.
- It rained so heavily…………………….paddy could not grow.
- Although it was cold, the man did not light a fire.
- Although it was hard, he did it.
- Rich as he is, he is not happy.
- The boy will never succeed, however hard he works.
- It rained so heavily that paddy could not grow.
Subordinating Conjunctions Exercise #9
- You lie so often………………nobody believes you.
- I shall leave the room………………… father returns home.
- She had worked hard…………………….she succeeded.
- The patient had died………………..the doctor came.
- He came………………… I had left the place.
- You lie so often that nobody believes you.
- I shall leave the room as soon as my father returns home.
- She had worked hard before she succeeded.
- The patient had died before the doctor came.
- He came after I had left the place.
Subordinating Conjunctions Exercise #10
- He returned home…………..he had done office work.
- Alisha came……………. I was getting ready to go out.
- He came………………. I was there.
- Rita came here………………….it was raining.
- I shall go………………he will go.
- He returned home after he had done office work.
- Alisha came when I was getting ready to go out.
- He came when I was there.
- Rita came here while it was raining.
- I shall go where he will go.
Subordinating Conjunctions Exercise #11
- You may go……………….you like.
- I shall find her out…………………she lies.
- Make haste………………..the sun shines.
- No one can harm us…………………..we are united.
- Stay……………….. you like.
- Mini started………………… I reached there.
- Wait……………………the train stops.
- You may go where you like.
- I shall find her out wherever she lies.
- Make haste while the sun shines.
- No one can harm us as long as we are united.
- Stay as long as you like.
- Mini started as soon as I reached there.
- Wait till the train stops.
Also, Read

Use of Conjunctions

Prepositions Used in a Sentence

Prepositions of Place Worksheets