Subjunctive Moods

In English grammar, mood refers to the manner in which a verb is used in a sentence. Moods help us express different types of sentences, such as statements, questions, commands, and hypothetical situations.

Subjunctive moods are used to express conditions, desires, possibilities, or hypothetical situations. They are often used in formal or literary contexts.

Subjunctive Moods

Present Subjunctive Moods

Proposal or decision:

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  • It is important that she be present at the meeting.
  • We suggest that he take a different approach.
  • The committee recommends that the project be completed by next month.
  • The judge has passed the sentence that the man be hanged.


  • If it is necessary, we will provide additional resources.
  • If it rains, there will be no play today.
  • Should it be required, I can assist you with the task.
  • Whether he is ready or not, the event will proceed as planned.

Desires or wishes:

  • May you be happy.
  • Long live the king.
  • May good bless you.
  • So help me god.
  • May his soul rest in peace.
  • May you be happy.

Past Subjunctive Moods

Hypothetical or unreal condition:

  • If I were a bird, I would soar through the sky.
  • If I were Hitler, I would solve this social problem in a minute.
  • What would you do if you were a Prime Minister?
  • If she hadn’t studied, she would have failed the exam.
  • Had I been present there, I would have taught him a good lesson.

After “wish”:

  • I wish it had been a Sunday.
  • I wish I could help you.
  • I wish he were as brilliant as his sister.
  • We wish you had come to the party.
  • She wishes she hadn’t said those words.

After “as if”, “as though”, “seem”, “like”, “behave”:

  • He walks as if he had seen a ghost.
  • She behaves as though she had lost her mind.
  • It seems like they had a great time at the party.

More Subjunctive Moods Examples coming soon………..

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