Proper spelling is a fundamental skill assessed in academic assignments and examinations. Students who demonstrate good spelling skills are often evaluated more positively by teachers.
In this post, we present you with the best Spelling Exercise with Answers.

Spelling Exercise
Question 1:
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- A. Acceptance
- B. Accptance
- C. Acceptence
- D. Acceptanse
Explanation: The correct spelling is A. “Acceptance.” It refers to the action of consenting to receive or undertake something offered.
Question 2:
- A. Accidently
- B. Accidentally
- C. Accedentally
- D. Accidantally
Explanation: The correct spelling is B. “Accidentally.” It means happening by chance or unintentionally.
Question 3:
- A. Acommodate
- B. Acommadate
- C. Accommodate
- D. Accomodate
Explanation: The correct spelling is C. “Accommodate.” It means to provide lodging or make room for someone.
Question 4:
- A. Acquaintance
- B. Aqueintance
- C. Acquaintence
- D. Acquaintanse
Explanation: The correct spelling is A. “Acquaintance.” It refers to a person one knows slightly but is not a close friend.
Question 5:
- A. Advertisemnt
- B. Advertisment
- C. Advertisement
- D. Advertizement
Explanation: The correct spelling is C. “Advertisement.” It means a notice or announcement in a public medium promoting a product, service, or event.
Question 6:
- A. Aggressive
- B. Agressive
- C. Agressiv
- D. Aggresive
Explanation: The correct spelling is A. “Aggressive.” It means ready or likely to attack or confront; characterized by or resulting from aggression.
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Question 7:
- A. Apparant
- B. Apparrent
- C. Apparence
- D. Apparent
Explanation: The correct spelling is D. “Apparent.” It means clearly visible or understood; obvious.
Question 8:
- A. Argument
- B. Arguement
- C. Arguiment
- D. Arguement
Explanation: The correct spelling is A. “Argument.” It refers to a reason or set of reasons given in support of an idea, action, or theory.
Question 9:
- A. Avange
- B. Avenge
- C. Avengge
- D. Avenj
Explanation: The correct spelling is B. “Avenge.” It means to inflict harm in return for wrongdoing.
Question 10:
- A. Believable
- B. Beleivable
- C. Beliveable
- D. Believble
Explanation: The correct spelling is A. “Believable.” It means capable of being believed; and credible.
Question 11:
- A. Benifit
- B. Benefitt
- C. Bennefit
- D. Benefit
Explanation: The correct spelling is D. “Benefit.” It refers to an advantage or profit gained from something.
Question 12:
- A. Bureaucracy
- B. Bureucracy
- C. Burocracy
- D. Bureaucrasy
Explanation: The correct spelling is A. “Bureaucracy.” It refers to a system of government or management in which decisions are made by state officials.
Question 13:
- A. Cancelation
- B. Cancellattion
- C. Cancellation
- D. Cansellation
Explanation: The correct spelling is C. “Cancellation.” It means the action of canceling something that was planned or scheduled.
Question 14:
- A. Category
- B. Categorey
- C. Categorie
- D. Cattegory
Explanation: The correct spelling is A. “Category.” It refers to a class or division of people or things regarded as having particular shared characteristics.
Question 15:
- A. Cellebrate
- B. Celebratte
- C. Cellebratte
- D. Celebrate
Explanation: The correct spelling is D. “Celebrate.” It means to acknowledge and enjoy a special occasion or event.
Question 16:
- A. Comited
- B. Committed
- C. Comitted
- D. Commited
Explanation: The correct spelling is B. “Committed.” It means feeling dedication and loyalty to a cause, activity, or relationship.
Question 17:
- A. Conscience
- B. Conciense
- C. Concsience
- D. Concience
Explanation: The correct spelling is A. “Conscience.” It refers to the inner sense of what is right or wrong in one’s conduct or motives.
Question 18:
- A. Concientious
- B. Conscientious
- C. Conscienctious
- D. Consciecntious
Explanation: The correct spelling is B. “Conscientious.” It means wishing to do what is right, especially to do one’s work or duty well.
Question 19:
- A. Consistent
- B. Consistant
- C. Conssistent
- D. Consistentt
Explanation: The correct spelling is A. “Consistent.” It means acting or done in the same way over time, especially so as to be fair or accurate.
Question 20:
- A. Convenience
- B. Convinience
- C. Convennience
- D. Conveenience
Explanation: The correct spelling is A. “Convenience.” It means the state of being able to proceed with something without difficulty.
Question 21:
- A. Correspondance
- B. Correspondece
- C. Correspondence
- D. Corrispondence
Explanation: The correct spelling is C. “Correspondence.” It refers to the exchange of letters or communication.
Question 22:
- A. Definete
- B. Definite
- C. Definet
- D. Definate
Explanation: The correct spelling is B. “Definite.” It means clearly stated or decided; not vague or doubtful.
Question 23:
- A. Dependent
- B. Dependnt
- C. Dependant
- D. Dependente
Explanation: The correct spelling is A. “Dependent.” It means relying on someone or something for support or aid.
Question 24:
- A. Desperate
- B. Despirate
- C. Desperatte
- D. Desperete
Explanation: The correct spelling is A. “Desperate.” It means feeling, showing, or involving a hopeless sense that a situation is so bad as to be impossible to deal with.
Question 25:
- A. Deteriote
- B. Deterioate
- C. Deteriorate
- D. Deterioratte
Explanation: The correct spelling is C. “Deteriorate.” It means to become progressively worse over time.
Question 26:
- A. Develope
- B. Develop
- C. Devellop
- D. Develoop
Explanation: The correct spelling is B. “Develop.” It means to grow or cause to grow and become more mature, advanced, or elaborate.
Question 27:
- A. Disappear
- B. Dissapear
- C. Disapper
- D. Disapeer
Explanation: The correct spelling is A. “Disappear.” It means to cease to be visible or to exist.
Question 28:
- A. Disapoint
- B. Disappoindt
- C. Disappoint
- D. Disappoynt
Explanation: The correct spelling is C. “Disappoint.” It means to fail to meet the expectations or hopes of someone.
Question 29:
- A. Discreet
- B. Discrete
- C. Discreete
- D. Discreatte
Explanation: The correct spelling is A. “Discreet.” It means careful and prudent in one’s speech or actions, especially to avoid causing offense or to maintain privacy.
Question 30:
- A. Disinterested
- B. Disintersted
- C. Disinterrested
- D. Disintrested
Explanation: The correct spelling is A. “Disinterested.” It means having no personal involvement or bias; impartial.
Question 31:
- A. Dissatisfyed
- B. Dissatisfied
- C. Disatisfied
- D. Dissatisfide
Explanation: The correct spelling is B. “Dissatisfied.” It means not content or pleased with something.
Question 32:
- A. Efficeint
- B. Efficiant
- C. Efficient
- D. Effcient
Explanation: The correct spelling is C. “Efficient.” It means achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense.
Question 33:
- A. Embarass
- B. Embarrass
- C. Embarras
- D. Embarasss
Explanation: The correct spelling is B. “Embarrass.” It means to cause someone to feel awkward, self-conscious, or ashamed.
Question 34:
- A. Encorage
- B. Encourrage
- C. Encourage
- D. Encorrage
Explanation: The correct spelling is C. “Encourage.” It means to give support, confidence, or hope to someone.
Question 35:
- A. Environement
- B. Enviornment
- C. Environment
- D. Enviroment
Explanation: The correct spelling is C. “Environment.” It refers to the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.
Question 36:
- A. Exaggerate
- B. Exagerate
- C. Exageratte
- D. Exaggerrate
Explanation: The correct spelling is A. “Exaggerate.” It means to represent something as being larger, better, or worse than it really is.
Question 37:
- A. Exceed
- B. Execeed
- C. Excede
- D. Excede
Explanation: The correct spelling is A. “Exceed.” It means to go beyond what is allowed or stipulated.
Question 38:
- A. Existence
- B. Existance
- C. Existencc
- D. Existancce
Explanation: The correct spelling is A. “Existence.” It refers to the state or fact of living or having objective reality.
Question 39:
- A. Fascinate
- B. Facinate
- C. Fasinate
- D. Fasicnate
Explanation: The correct spelling is A. “Fascinate.” It means to attract and hold the attention and interest of someone.
Question 40:
- A. Fierse
- B. Fierce
- C. Fiercce
- D. Fierse
Explanation: The correct spelling is B. “Fierce.” It means showing a heartfelt and powerful intensity.
Question 41:
- A. Fluorescent
- B. Florescent
- C. Flourescent
- D. Flourecent
Explanation: The correct spelling is A. “Fluorescent.” It refers to a type of light that is produced by the action of ultraviolet radiation on a phosphor.
Question 42:
- A. Foreseable
- B. Forseeable
- C. Forseeble
- D. Foreseeable
Explanation: The correct spelling is D. “Foreseeable.” It means able to be predicted or anticipated.
Question 43:
- A. Guage
- B. Gage
- C. Gauge
- D. Gauage
Explanation: The correct spelling is C. “Gauge.” It refers to an instrument for measuring or testing; to estimate or determine.
Question 44:
- A. Goverment
- B. Government
- C. Govornment
- D. Goverrnment
Explanation: The correct spelling is B. “Government.” It refers to the governing body of a nation, state, or community.
Question 45:
- A. Harras
- B. Harasse
- C. Harass
- D. Harress
Explanation: The correct spelling is C. “Harass.” It means to subject someone to aggressive pressure or intimidation.
Question 46:
- A. Hypocrisy
- B. Hypocrasy
- C. Hypocricy
- D. Hypocrosy
Explanation: The correct spelling is A. “Hypocrisy.” It refers to the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one’s own behavior does not conform.
Question 47:
- A. Imitate
- B. Imitatte
- C. Immitate
- D. Immittate
Explanation: The correct spelling is A. “Imitate.” It means to take or follow as a model.
Question 48:
- A. Immediatte
- B. Immediate
- C. Immeediate
- D. Immedeate
Explanation: The correct spelling is B. “Immediate.” It means occurring or done at once; instant.
Question 49:
- A. Imppose
- B. Impose
- C. Impoose
- D. Imposse
Explanation: The correct spelling is B. “Impose.” It means to force something unwelcome or unfamiliar to be accepted or put into place.
Question 50:
- A. Inconvenience
- B. Inconvienience
- C. Inconvnience
- D. Inconvinience
Explanation: The correct spelling is A. “Inconvenience.” It refers to the state or fact of causing trouble or difficulty.
Question 51:
- A. Independant
- B. Independdent
- C. Independent
- D. Indepedent
Explanation: The correct spelling is C. “Independent.” It refers to the state of being free from outside control or support.
Question 52:
- A. Inevitible
- B. Inevitable
- C. Inevetible
- D. Inevitabble
Explanation: The correct spelling is B. “Inevitable.” It means certain to happen; unavoidable.
Question 53:
- A. Influence
- B. Influance
- C. Influnce
- D. Influeence
Explanation: The correct spelling is A. “Influence.” It refers to the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something.
Question 54:
- A. Innoculate
- B. Inocullate
- C. Inoculate
- D. Inoccullate
Explanation: The correct spelling is C. “Inoculate.” It means to vaccinate or treat with a vaccine to produce immunity against a disease.
Question 55:
- A. Irresistable
- B. Irresistible
- C. Irresistible
- D. Irresistabble
Explanation: The correct spelling is B. “Irresistible.” It means too attractive or appealing to be resisted.
Question 56:
- A. Knowledge
- B. Knowlege
- C. Knowlege
- D. Knoewledge
Explanation: The correct spelling is A. “Knowledge.” It refers to facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education.
Question 57:
- A. Liesure
- B. Leizure
- C. Leisure
- D. Leiisure
Explanation: The correct spelling is C. “Leisure.” It means free time, especially when one can engage in activities of one’s choice.
Question 58:
- A. Liaison
- B. Liason
- C. Liasion
- D. Liaisson
Explanation: The correct spelling is A. “Liaison.” It refers to communication or cooperation that facilitates a close working relationship between people or organizations.
Question 59:
- A. Maintanance
- B. Maintainance
- C. Maintinance
- D. Maintenance
Explanation: The correct spelling is D. “Maintenance.” It refers to the process of keeping something in good condition or preserving it.
Question 60:
- A. Millenium
- B. Millennium
- C. Millenium
- D. Millinneum
Explanation: The correct spelling is B. “Millennium.” It refers to a period of a thousand years, especially when calculated from the traditional date of the birth of Christ.
Question 61:
- A. Miniature
- B. Minature
- C. Miniatture
- D. Miniattur
Explanation: The correct spelling is A. “Miniature.” It refers to a small-scale representation of something.
Question 62:
- A. Mischevious
- B. Mischivous
- C. Mischeivous
- D. Mischievous
Explanation: The correct spelling is D. “Mischievous.” It means causing or showing a fondness for playfully causing trouble.
Question 63:
- A. Necessary
- B. Necesary
- C. Necesssary
- D. Necessarry
Explanation: The correct spelling is A. “Necessary.” It means required to be done, achieved, or present; essential.
Question 64:
- A. Neigbour
- B. Neighbour
- C. Neighbor
- D. Nieghbor
Explanation: The correct spelling is B. “Neighbour.” It refers to a person living next door to or near another.
Question 65:
- A. Ocassion
- B. Occassion
- C. Ooccasion
- D. Occasion
Explanation: The correct spelling is D. “Occasion.” It refers to a particular event, ceremony, or celebration.
Question 66:
- A. Official
- B. Offical
- C. Officall
- D. Officiale
Explanation: The correct spelling is A. “Official.” It refers to a person holding public office or having an official position.
Question 67:
- A. Oppurtunity
- B. Opportunity
- C. Oppertunity
- D. Oppurtunitty
Explanation: The correct spelling is B. “Opportunity.” It means a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something.
Question 68:
- A. Parallel
- B. Paralel
- C. Parrallel
- D. Parralel
Explanation: The correct spelling is A. “Parallel.” It means extending in the same direction and at the same distance apart without intersecting.
Question 69:
- A. Pastyme
- B. Pasttyme
- C. Pastime
- D. Pastttime
Explanation: The correct spelling is C. “Pastime.” It refers to an activity that someone does regularly for enjoyment rather than work.
Question 70:
- A. Perceive
- B. Percieve
- C. Perceiv
- D. Percive
Explanation: The correct spelling is A. “Perceive.” It means to become aware or conscious of something through the senses.
Question 71:
- A. Perservere
- B. Perssevere
- C. Persevere
- D. Perssever
Explanation: The correct spelling is C. “Persevere.” It means to persist in a course of action or purpose despite difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement.
Question 72:
- A. Personnel
- B. Personel
- C. Personnell
- D. Personnell
Explanation: The correct spelling is A. “Personnel.” It refers to the employees or workforce of a company, organization, or military service.
Question 73:
- A. Possesion
- B. Possesston
- C. Possessionn
- D. Possession
Explanation: The correct spelling is D. “Possession.” It means the state of having, owning, or controlling something.
Question 74:
- A. Precede
- B. Preceed
- C. Presede
- D. Precede
Explanation: The correct spelling is A. “Precede.” It means to come before (something) in time.
Question 75:
- A. Prejudise
- B. Prejudice
- C. Preejudice
- D. Preejudise
Explanation: The correct spelling is B. “Prejudice.” It refers to a preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.
Question 76:
- A. Principle
- B. Principal
- C. Principple
- D. Principel
Explanation: The correct spelling is A. “Principle.” It refers to a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior.
Question 77:
- A. Previlege
- B. Privelege
- C. Privilege
- D. Privillege
Explanation: The correct spelling is C. “Privilege.” It means a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group.
Question 78:
- A. Pronunciation
- B. Pronounciation
- C. Pronounciation
- D. Pronunciattion
Explanation: The correct spelling is A. “Pronunciation.” It refers to the way in which a word is pronounced.
Question 89:
- A. Publickly
- B. Publicly
- C. Pubicly
- D. Publikly
Explanation: The correct spelling is B. “Publicly.” It means in a way that is open or visible to the public; not privately.
Question 80:
- A. Questionare
- B. Questionnare
- C. Questionnaire
- D. Questionairre
Explanation: The correct spelling is C. “Questionnaire.” It refers to a set of questions for obtaining statistically useful or personal information from individuals.
Question 81:
- A. Receipt
- B. Receeipt
- C. Receiptt
- D. Reciept
Explanation: The correct spelling is A. “Receipt.” It refers to a written acknowledgment that something has been received.
Question 82:
- A. Reccommend
- B. Recommenned
- C. Reccommende
- D. Recommend
Explanation: The correct spelling is D. “Recommend.” It means to suggest or endorse as being suitable, beneficial, or advisable.
Question 83:
- A. Referred
- B. Referrred
- C. Refered
- D. Reffered
Explanation: The correct spelling is A. “Referred.” It means past tense of refer, indicating that something has been directed to a person or source for information or decision.
Question 84:
- A. Relevannt
- B. Relevant
- C. Relevannt
- D. Relevent
Explanation: The correct spelling is B. “Relevant.” It means closely connected or appropriate to the matter at hand.
Question 85:
- A. Repeetition
- B. Repettition
- C. Repetition
- D. Repitition
Explanation: The correct spelling is C. “Repetition.” It refers to the action of repeating something that has already been said or written.
Question 86:
- A. Resilient
- B. Resillient
- C. Resilientt
- D. Ressilient
Explanation: The correct spelling is A. “Resilient.” It means able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions.
Question 87:
- A. Restaurent
- B. Restuarant
- C. Restaurant
- D. Resturant
Explanation: The correct spelling is C. “Restaurant.” It refers to a place where people pay to sit and eat meals that are cooked and served on the premises.
Question 88:
- A. Ridiculous
- B. Rediculous
- C. Redicuolous
- D. Ridiculouss
Explanation: The correct spelling is A. “Ridiculous.” It means deserving or inviting derision or mockery; absurd.
Question 89:
- A. Sacrafice
- B. Sacrifice
- C. Sacrefice
- D. Saccrifice
Explanation: The correct spelling is B. “Sacrifice.” It refers to the act of giving up something valued for the sake of something else regarded as more important or worthy.
Question 90:
- A. Schedule
- B. Shedule
- C. Schedulle
- D. Scedule
Explanation: The correct spelling is A. “Schedule.” It refers to a plan that gives expected times for different things to happen.
Question 91:
- A. Separate
- B. Seperate
- C. Seperatte
- D. Separrate
Explanation: The correct spelling is A. “Separate.” It means to move or be moved apart.
Question 92:
- A. Siage
- B. Seige
- C. Siege
- D. Siegge
Explanation: The correct spelling is C. “Siege.” It refers to a military operation in which enemy forces surround a town or building, cutting off essential supplies, with the aim of compelling those inside to surrender.
Question 93:
- A. Simultaneous
- B. Simultanious
- C. Simultaneus
- D. Simultaeneous
Explanation: The correct spelling is A. “Simultaneous.” It means occurring, operating, or done at the same time.
Question 94:
- A. Sufficent
- B. Sufficient
- C. Suficient
- D. Sufficant
Explanation: The correct spelling is B. “Sufficient.” It means enough to meet the needs of a situation or a proposed end.
Question 95:
- A. Supercede
- B. Supersceed
- C. Supersede
- D. Supersede
Explanation: The correct spelling is D. “Supersede.” It means to take the place of a person or thing previously in authority or use; to replace.
Question 96:
- A. Surveillance
- B. Surveillence
- C. Survaillance
- D. Surveilance
Explanation: The correct spelling is A. “Surveillance.” It refers to the monitoring or observation of a person, group, or place, especially for reasons of security.
Question 97:
- A. Techniqe
- B. Technque
- C. Technique
- D. Techneque
Explanation: The correct spelling is C. “Technique.” It refers to a way of carrying out a particular task, especially the execution or performance of an artistic work or a scientific procedure.
Question 98:
- A. Unforeseen
- B. Unforseen
- C. Unforeseenn
- D. Unforessen
Explanation: The correct spelling is A. “Unforeseen.” It means not anticipated or predicted.
Question 99:
- A. Unnecessary
- B. Unneccessary
- C. Unnecesary
- D. Unnessessary
Explanation: The correct spelling is A. “Unnecessary.” It means not needed or essential.
Question 100:
- A. Vengence
- B. Vengance
- C. Vengence
- D. Vengeance
Explanation: The correct spelling is D. “Vengeance.” It refers to the punishment inflicted or retribution exacted for an injury or wrong.
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