Modals Exercises with Answers

Modal Verbs are can, may, shall, will, must, ought to, used to, need, and dare. Can, may, shall, and will have special past forms could, might, should, and would respectively, but ‘must‘ do not.

In this post, we have added important Modals Exercises with Answers.

Modals Exercises with Answers

Modals Exercises with Answers

Fill in the blanks with Appropriate Modals:

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  1. He…………………play the piano when he was younger.
  2. When……………….we meet again?
  3. When……………….the magazine be published?
  4. Autumn…………………come after the monsoons.
  5. I…………………..walk.
  6. You…………………..not read.
  7. Peter………………….write.
  8. Birds………………………
  9. Lisa……………………….be thirty next Monday.
  10. They………………………coming to the party later.
  11. ………………………I take the phone?
  12. Which painting………………… I buy?
  13. He………………………….been hurt.
  14. He………………….lost his book.
  15. It…………………….rain tomorrow afternoon.
  16. I………………………go to market.
  17. He………………………..gone home yesterday.


  1. Could
  2. Shall
  3. Will
  4. Will
  5. Can
  6. Can
  7. Can
  8. can
  9. Shall be
  10. Might be
  11. Shall
  12. Shall
  13. Might have
  14. May have
  15. Might
  16. Might
  17. Might have

Fill in the blanks with Appropriate Modals:

  1. ………………………you lend me your computer?
  2. ………………….you come to my home?
  3. You………………… the bill today.
  4. ……………………you drop my letter into the letter box?
  5. I…………………see you if I can find the time.
  6. I……………………..take the bus to the town.
  7. You…………………..succeeded if you had tried a little harder.
  8. He…………………take rice today.
  9. You………………….come in.
  10. …………… play ludo?
  11. I tried as best I…………………
  12. The dumb…………….not speak.
  13. We……………….not do without him.
  14. We……………..not live without water.
  15. He……………….finish the competition.
  16. He………………. a liar.
  17. You………………… this.
  18. You………………not tell a lie.
  19. You…………………a rich man.
  20. Who………………….take this responsibility?
  21. It……………………..rain tomorrow.


  1. Could
  2. Could
  3. Must
  4. Could
  5. May
  6. Will
  7. Might have
  8. May
  9. May
  10. Can
  11. Could
  12. Can
  13. Can
  14. Can
  15. will
  16. Must be
  17. Must
  18. Must
  19. Must be
  20. Will
  21. Might

Fill in the blanks with Appropriate Modals:

  1. You…………………………heard the name of Shakespeare.
  2. What………………..not be cured must be endured.
  3. He………………………….promoted to class 12 by this time.
  4. ………………………… speak Spanish?
  5. I……………………..go to bed early tonight.
  6. We…………………….not sleep during the daytime.
  7. She……………………finish her homework before going to watch the film.
  8. We………………..obey our parents.
  9. John……………………read twelve hours a day.
  10. …………………….you please lend me a dollar?
  11. We………………….obey our parents.
  12. He……………………apologize for being rude to his parents.
  13. You…………………………….. taken his permission before.
  14. You…………………….borrow my laptop if you promise to return it in time.
  15. He………………….not say so.
  16. Peter……………….you to prove that you’ve said so.
  17. He………………..not follow you.
  18. Who…………………to enter the room?
  19. I…………………………go to the gym later, if I have time.
  20. You…………………… very careful when driving in heavy rain.


  1. Must have
  2. Can
  3. Must have been
  4. Can
  5. Should
  6. Should
  7. Must
  8. Should
  9. Would
  10. Would
  11. Ought to
  12. Ought to
  13. Should have
  14. May
  15. Dare
  16. Dare
  17. Dare
  18. Dares
  19. Might
  20. Must

Fill in the blanks with Appropriate Modals:

  1. I………………………………to buy some groceries before I go home.
  2. Alisha……………………..not come here anymore.
  3. You…………………….not have waited so long.
  4. Rohit……………………not worry.
  5. You………………………….to finish your homework by the end of the week.
  6. I…………………..not have bought it.
  7. He………………………….play football when he was at college.
  8. I………………………live here when I was a girl.
  9. Lisa…………………………walk every morning when he was in New York.
  10. Peter…………………….to get more sleep to feel rested.
  11. In our childhood, we…………………..sing religious hymns in the morning.
  12. David……………………wake us every morning.
  13. John………………………not worry.
  14. She didn’t…………………………… ask the boss for a salary hike.
  15. I…………………….not have bought it.
  16. I……………………..dare you to eat a whole pineapple.
  17. I……………………do physical exercise when I was in my village.
  18. When at school I…………………….do sums every day.
  19. When living in the village, we…………………….bathe in the tank.
  20. The………………………… improve their communication skill.
  21. It………………………………….snow tomorrow.
  22. I…………………….death,
  23. I can……………………….any danger.
  24. I shall……………………….him to fight with Johnny.


  1. Need
  2. Need
  3. Need
  4. Need
  5. Need
  6. Need
  7. Used to
  8. Used to
  9. Used to
  10. Needs
  11. Used to
  12. Used to
  13. Need
  14. Dare
  15. Need
  16. Dare
  17. Used to
  18. Used to
  19. Used to
  20. Need
  21. May
  22. Dare
  23. Dare
  24. Dare

Fill in the blanks with Appropriate Modals:

  1. Peter………………………………study harder if he wants to pass the Medical exam.
  2. The members………………………arrive on time for the meeting.
  3. I…………………………… to go on vacation to Switzerland.
  4. She……………………..go to the party if she finishes her English Grammar homework on time.
  5. We………………………go to the beach this Sunday.
  6. You………………………….call your parents and check on them.
  7. It…………………………….rain later, so bring an umbrella with you.
  8. ……………………… speak English Fluently?
  9. I………………………… get a clean shave before my job interview.
  10. …………………………I put a little more sugar in your tea.
  11. He……………………………..often sits up very late at night.
  12. I…………………………sometimes sit idle for hours,
  13. You……………………….heard the name of Salman Khan.
  14. What……………………..not…………………cured must be endured.
  15. He……………………..promoted to class 8 by this time.
  16. Alisha…………………….be late for school because of the heavy traffic.
  17. …………………….you come to my office?
  18. I………………………….have to work late tonight to finish my homework.
  19. ……………………….God help you.
  20. He……………………..had left his wallet at the restaurant.


  1. Should
  2. Must
  3. Would
  4. Might
  5. Will
  6. Ought to
  7. Could
  8. Can
  9. Need
  10. Should
  11. Would
  12. Would
  13. Must have
  14. Can be
  15. Must have been
  16. May
  17. Could
  18. May
  19. May
  20. Might

Fill in the blanks with Appropriate Modals:

  1. ………………………..his soul rest in peace.
  2. I …………………….go to the shopping mall.
  3. Peter …………………….gone home yesterday.
  4. Jonny ………………………not lend you money.
  5. Alisha didn’t…………………………… ask the boss for a salary hike.
  6. …………………………you take your tea with us today?
  7. ………………………..his soul rest in peace.
  8. …………………… be happy forever, my son.
  9. ………………….thy wish be fulfilled through my life.
  10. It………………………………..take a few days for the package to arrive.
  11. …………………… excuse my fine, I shall be happy.
  12. We………………………..obey our parents.
  13. He…………………………warned the boy before.
  14. Lisa………………………….have forgotten her phone at home.
  15. I………………………… to go on a vacation to Bali.


  1. May
  2. Might
  3. Might have
  4. May
  5. Dare
  6. Will
  7. May
  8. May
  9. May
  10. May
  11. Should
  12. Should
  13. Should have
  14. Used to
  15. Would

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