Simple to Compound Sentence

Transformation of sentences is the process of changing the form of a sentence while simultaneously ensuring that its original meaning is maintained.

Simple to Compound Sentence

Simple to Compound Sentence Conversion

Simple to Compound Sentence Type 1

Conversion by using Cumulative Conjunctions

Cumulative conjunctions are types of coordinating conjunctions that express addition. Some common cumulative conjunctions are – and, both….and, also, too, as well as, not only….but also, no less than

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Simple SentenceCompound Sentence
Going to the Science Museum he was surprised.He visited the Science Museum and was surprised.
Besides wealth, well-being is essential for happiness.Not only wealth but also well-being is necessary for happiness.

Simple to Compound Sentence Type 2

Conversion by using Adversative Conjunctions

Adversative conjunctions are types of coordinating conjunctions that indicate rejection, disagreement, or disagreement in sentences. It shows the opposite meaning of a statement. Some common adversative conjunctions are – but, yet, still, however, nevertheless, only, whereas.

Simple SentenceCompound Sentence
In spite of his age, he had a youthful spirit.He was aged but had a youthful spirit.
Despite her flaws, I love her.She has flaws, yet I love her.
Despite the rain, we decided to go for a walk.It was raining, but we decided to go for a walk.
In spite of his age, he had a youthful spirit.He was aged but had a youthful spirit.
Despite the noise, he managed to concentrate on his work.It was noisy, but he managed to concentrate on his work.

Simple to Compound Sentence Type 3

Conversion by using Alternative Conjunctions

Alternative conjunctions are types of coordinating conjunctions used to express an alternative relationship between the words, phrases, or clauses it connects. Some common alternative conjunctions are – or, either….or, neither….nor, otherwise, else.

Simple SentenceCompound Sentence
To live longer, you must avoid smoking.You must avoid smoking, or else you will not live long.
You need to exercise regularly to stay fit.You need to exercise regularly, otherwise, you won’t stay fit.
You should wear sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun. You should wear sunscreen, otherwise, your skin may be damaged by the sun.

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