Quiz on Figures of Speech

Figures of speech are literary devices that are used to convey ideas that go beyond their literal meaning.

Here, we present a well-designed quiz on Figures of Speech with answers and detailed explanations.

Quiz on Figures of Speech

Quiz on Figures of Speech

Question 1: What figure of speech is used in the sentence “The stars danced in the night sky”?

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A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 1: C) Personification – In this sentence, the stars are given human-like qualities by “dancing,” making it an example of personification.

Question 2: Identify the figure of speech in the phrase “as busy as a bee.”

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Oxymoron
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 2: A) Simile – The comparison using “as” makes it a simile.

Question 3: In the expression “kick the bucket,” what figure of speech is being used?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 3: B) Metaphor – This is a metaphor where the phrase is used to represent the idea of dying.

Question 4: What figure of speech is found in the phrase “time flies”?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 4: C) Personification – Time is given the ability to “fly,” which is a human characteristic.

Question 5: Which figure of speech is used in the sentence “The world is a stage”?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole


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Explanation 5: B) Metaphor – This is a metaphor where the world is directly compared to a stage.

Question 6: Identify the figure of speech in the phrase “quiet as a mouse.”

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Oxymoron
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 6: A) Simile – The comparison using “as” indicates a simile.

Question 7: In the sentence “The wind whispered through the trees,” what figure of speech is being used?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 7: C) Personification – The wind is given the human quality of “whispering.”

Question 8: What figure of speech is found in the phrase “cry over spilled milk”?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 8: D) Hyperbole – This phrase is an exaggeration (making a small problem seem much bigger).

Question 9: Identify the figure of speech in the phrase “bitter cold.”

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Oxymoron
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 9: C) Oxymoron – The contradictory terms “bitter” and “cold” create an oxymoron.

Question 10: In the sentence “His words cut like a knife,” what figure of speech is being used?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 10: B) Metaphor – The words are directly compared to a knife, making it a metaphor.

Question 11: Which figure of speech is present in the sentence “The city never sleeps”?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 11: C) Personification – The city is described as if it has the human quality of never sleeping.

Question 12: Identify the figure of speech in the phrase “cold as ice.”

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Oxymoron
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 12: A) Simile – The comparison using “as” indicates a simile.

Question 13: In the expression “heard it through the grapevine,” what figure of speech is being used?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 13: B) Metaphor – The grapevine is used metaphorically to represent the way information spreads.

Question 14: What figure of speech is found in the phrase “walking on air”?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 14: B) Metaphor – This is a metaphor where the act of walking is compared to being on air.

Question 15: Identify the figure of speech in the sentence “The car’s engine roared with anger.”

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 15: C) Personification – The engine is given the human quality of “roaring with anger.”

Question 16: In the phrase “dead as a doornail,” what figure of speech is being used?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 16: D) Hyperbole – This phrase is an exaggeration to emphasize the lifelessness.

Question 17: Identify the figure of speech in the sentence “The sun smiled down on the happy couple.”

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 17: C) Personification – The sun is given the human quality of “smiling.”

Question 18: What figure of speech is present in the phrase “the calm before the storm”?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Oxymoron
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 18: C) Oxymoron – The contradictory terms “calm” and “storm” create an oxymoron.

Question 19: In the sentence “Time is a thief,” what figure of speech is being used?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 19: B) Metaphor – Time is directly compared to a thief.

Question 20: Identify the figure of speech in the phrase “a needle in a haystack.”

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 20: D) Hyperbole – This phrase is an exaggeration to emphasize the difficulty of finding something.

Question 21: What figure of speech is used in the sentence “The raindrops whispered on the windowpane”?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 21: C) Personification – Raindrops are given the human quality of “whispering.”

Question 22: Identify the figure of speech in the phrase “stubborn as a mule.”

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Oxymoron
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 22: A) Simile – The comparison using “as” indicates a simile.

Question 23: In the expression “feeling under the weather,” what figure of speech is being used?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 23: B) Metaphor – The phrase is a metaphor for feeling unwell.

Question 24: What figure of speech is found in the phrase “the world is your oyster”?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 24: B) Metaphor – The world is metaphorically compared to an oyster, suggesting opportunities.

Question 25: Identify the figure of speech in the sentence “Her smile was a ray of sunshine.”

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 25: B) Metaphor – The smile is directly compared to a ray of sunshine.

Question 26: What figure of speech is used in the sentence “The night sky is a blanket of stars”?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 26: B) Metaphor – The night sky is directly compared to a blanket, making it a metaphor.

Question 27: Identify the figure of speech in the phrase “as clear as mud.”

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Oxymoron
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 27: C) Oxymoron – The contradictory terms “clear” and “mud” create an oxymoron.

Question 28: In the sentence “The mountain stood tall, watching over the valley,” what figure of speech is being used?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 28: C) Personification – The mountain is given the human quality of “watching.”

Question 29: What figure of speech is found in the phrase “as busy as a bee”?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 29: A) Simile – The comparison using “as” indicates a simile.

Question 30: Identify the figure of speech in the sentence “The stormy ocean roared with anger.”

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 30: C) Personification – The ocean is given the human quality of “roaring with anger.”

Question 31: In the expression “burning the midnight oil,” what figure of speech is being used?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 31: D) Hyperbole – This phrase is an exaggeration to indicate working late into the night.

Question 32: What figure of speech is used in the phrase “the pen is mightier than the sword”?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 32: B) Metaphor – The power of words is metaphorically compared to the power of a sword.

Question 33: Identify the figure of speech in the sentence “His voice was as smooth as silk.”

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 33: A) Simile – The comparison using “as” indicates a simile.

Question 34: In the phrase “time is a thief,” what figure of speech is being used?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 34: B) Metaphor – Time is directly compared to a thief.

Question 35: What figure of speech is found in the sentence “The old tree whispered its secrets in the wind”?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 35: C) Personification – The tree is given the human quality of “whispering its secrets.”

Question 36: Identify the figure of speech in the phrase “silent as the grave.”

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Oxymoron
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 36: A) Simile – The comparison using “as” indicates a simile.

Question 37: In the sentence “The candle flame danced in the breeze,” what figure of speech is being used?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 37: C) Personification – The candle flame is given the human quality of “dancing.”

Question 38: What figure of speech is used in the phrase “the world turned upside down”?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 38: D) Hyperbole – This phrase is an exaggeration to convey a dramatic change.

Question 39: Identify the figure of speech in the sentence “The flowers nodded their heads in agreement.”

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 39: C) Personification – The flowers are given the human quality of “nodding in agreement.”

Question 40: What figure of speech is found in the phrase “quiet as a mouse”?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 40: A) Simile – The comparison using “as” indicates a simile.

Question 41: In the expression “bite the bullet,” what figure of speech is being used?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 41: B) Metaphor – This phrase is a metaphor for facing a difficult situation.

Question 42: Identify the figure of speech in the sentence “Her laughter was music to my ears.”

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 42: B) Metaphor – The laughter is directly compared to music.

Question 43: What figure of speech is used in the phrase “a chip on his shoulder”?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 43: B) Metaphor – This phrase is a metaphor for someone harboring resentment or a grudge.

Question 44: Identify the figure of speech in the sentence “The sunflowers bowed to the sun.”

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 44: C) Personification – The sunflowers are given the human quality of “bowing.”

Question 45: In the phrase “whiter than snow,” what figure of speech is being used?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 45: A) Simile – The comparison using “than” indicates a simile.

Question 46: Identify the figure of speech in the phrase “walking on thin ice.”

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 46: C) Personification – This phrase personifies the ice, suggesting it is fragile or dangerous.

Question 47: What figure of speech is used in the sentence “The city streets are a jungle”?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 47: B) Metaphor – The city streets are directly compared to a jungle.

Question 48: In the expression “barking up the wrong tree,” what figure of speech is being used?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 48: B) Metaphor – This phrase is a metaphor for pursuing the wrong course of action.

Question 49: Identify the figure of speech in the sentence “The mountain stood like a sentinel, guarding the valley.”

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 49: A) Simile – The comparison using “like” indicates a simile.

Question 50: What figure of speech is found in the phrase “all ears”?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 50: D) Hyperbole – This phrase is an exaggeration to express someone’s full attention or eagerness to hear.

Question 51: In the sentence “The fog crept in silently, swallowing the town,” what figure of speech is being used?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 51: C) Personification – The fog is given the human quality of “swallowing.”

Question 52: Identify the figure of speech in the phrase “time is a thief.”

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 52: B) Metaphor – Time is directly compared to a thief.

Question 53: What figure of speech is used in the sentence “The sun kissed the horizon goodbye”?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 53: C) Personification – The sun is given the human quality of “kissing.”

Question 54: Identify the figure of speech in the phrase “cold, hard cash.”

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Oxymoron
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 54: C) Oxymoron – The contradictory terms “cold” and “hard” create an oxymoron.

Question 55: In the sentence “Her smile was a beacon of hope,” what figure of speech is being used?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 55: B) Metaphor – The smile is directly compared to a beacon of hope.

Question 56: What figure of speech is used in the phrase “bitter cold”?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Oxymoron
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 56: C) Oxymoron – The contradictory terms “bitter” and “cold” create an oxymoron.

Question 57: Identify the figure of speech in the sentence “His words were a soothing balm for her soul.”

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 57: B) Metaphor – The words are directly compared to a soothing balm.

Question 58: In the expression “falling head over heels,” what figure of speech is being used?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 58: D) Hyperbole – This phrase is an exaggeration to convey intense emotions.

Question 59: What figure of speech is found in the phrase “dead of night”?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Oxymoron
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 59: C) Oxymoron – The contradictory terms “dead” and “night” create an oxymoron.

Question 60: Identify the figure of speech in the sentence “The wind howled through the trees.”

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 60: C) Personification – The wind is given the human quality of “howling.”

Question 61: What figure of speech is used in the phrase “light as a feather”?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 61: A) Simile – The comparison using “as” indicates a simile.

Question 62: In the sentence “The news hit him like a ton of bricks,” what figure of speech is being used?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 62: B) Metaphor – The impact of the news is directly compared to a ton of bricks.

Question 63: Identify the figure of speech in the phrase “whistle past the graveyard.”

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 63: C) Personification – The graveyard is personified as if it can be whistled past.

Question 64: What figure of speech is found in the sentence “The car’s engine purred like a contented cat”?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 64: A) Simile – The comparison using “like” indicates a simile.

Question 65: Identify the figure of speech in the phrase “apple of my eye.”

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 65: C) Personification – The eye is personified, as if it has an “apple” that is cherished.

Question 66: What figure of speech is used in the sentence “The room was as quiet as a mouse”?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 66: A) Simile – The comparison using “as” indicates a simile.

Question 67: Identify the figure of speech in the phrase “blind as a bat.”

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 67: A) Simile – The comparison using “as” indicates a simile.

Question 68: In the expression “raining cats and dogs,” what figure of speech is being used?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 68: D) Hyperbole – This phrase is an exaggeration for heavy rain.

Question 69: What figure of speech is found in the phrase “the world is your oyster”?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 69: B) Metaphor – The world is metaphorically compared to an oyster, suggesting opportunities.

Question 70: Identify the figure of speech in the sentence “The flames of anger consumed him.”

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 70: B) Metaphor – The flames are directly compared to the emotion of anger.

Question 71: What figure of speech is used in the phrase “the bee’s knees”?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 71: D) Hyperbole – This phrase is an exaggeration to express excellence.

Question 72: In the sentence “The sun lazily climbed into the sky,” what figure of speech is being used?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 72: C) Personification – The sun is given the human quality of “climbing lazily.”

Question 73: Identify the figure of speech in the phrase “tongue-in-cheek.”

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 73: C) Personification – This phrase involves using the tongue as if it is in the cheek, conveying humor or sarcasm.

Question 74: What figure of speech is found in the sentence “The flowers nodded in agreement”?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 74: C) Personification – The flowers are given the human quality of “nodding in agreement.”

Question 75: Identify the figure of speech in the phrase “a bed of roses.”

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 75: B) Metaphor – This phrase is a metaphor for a comfortable or pleasant situation.

Question 76: What figure of speech is used in the sentence “The concert was a blast”?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 76: D) Hyperbole – This phrase is an exaggeration to convey that the concert was extremely enjoyable.

Question 77: Identify the figure of speech in the phrase “the pot calling the kettle black.”

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 77: C) Personification – The inanimate objects (pot and kettle) are given human qualities, implying hypocrisy.

Question 78: In the expression “take the bull by the horns,” what figure of speech is being used?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 78: B) Metaphor – This phrase is a metaphor for facing a difficult situation boldly.

Question 79: What figure of speech is found in the phrase “barking up the wrong tree”?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 79: B) Metaphor – This phrase is a metaphor for pursuing the wrong course of action.

Question 80: Identify the figure of speech in the sentence “The news spread like wildfire.”

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 80: B) Metaphor – The speed of the news spreading is directly compared to the rapid spread of wildfire.

Question 81: What figure of speech is used in the phrase “a stone’s throw away”?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 81: A) Simile – The comparison using “away” indicates a simile.

Question 82: In the sentence “The laughter echoed through the empty hall,” what figure of speech is being used?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 82: C) Personification – The laughter is given the human quality of “echoing.”

Question 83: Identify the figure of speech in the phrase “face the music.”

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 83: C) Personification – This phrase is a metaphorical expression for confronting consequences.

Question 84: What figure of speech is found in the sentence “The sun dipped below the horizon”?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 84: C) Personification – The sun is given the human quality of “dipping.”

Question 85: Identify the figure of speech in the phrase “heart of gold.”

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 85: B) Metaphor – This phrase is a metaphor for someone with a kind and generous nature.

Question 86: What figure of speech is used in the sentence “Time is a thief stealing moments”?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 86: C) Personification – Time is given the human quality of stealing, making it an example of personification.

Question 87: Identify the figure of speech in the phrase “the calm before the storm.”

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Oxymoron
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 87: C) Oxymoron – The contradictory terms “calm” and “storm” create an oxymoron.

Question 88: In the expression “beat around the bush,” what figure of speech is being used?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 88: C) Personification – This phrase involves using the idea of beating around a bush as if it’s an action with intention.

Question 89: What figure of speech is found in the phrase “a penny for your thoughts”?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 89: D) Hyperbole – This phrase is a hyperbole to express a desire to know someone’s thoughts.

Question 90: Identify the figure of speech in the sentence “The sun painted the sky with warm hues.”

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 90: C) Personification – The sun is given the human quality of painting.

Question 91: What figure of speech is used in the phrase “stubborn as a mule”?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 91: A) Simile – The comparison using “as” indicates a simile.

Question 92: In the sentence “The rain tapped gently on the windowpane,” what figure of speech is being used?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 92: C) Personification – The rain is given the human quality of tapping gently.

Question 93: Identify the figure of speech in the phrase “break the ice.”

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 93: C) Personification – This phrase involves treating ice as if it’s something that can be broken in a social situation.

Question 94: What figure of speech is found in the sentence “The old clock sighed with each passing hour”?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 94: C) Personification – The clock is given the human quality of sighing.

Question 95: Identify the figure of speech in the phrase “walking on air.”

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 95: B) Metaphor – This phrase is a metaphor where the act of walking is compared to being on air.

Question 96: What figure of speech is used in the sentence “The stars winked in the night sky”?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 96: C) Personification – The stars are given the human quality of “winking.”

Question 97: Identify the figure of speech in the phrase “as clear as crystal.”

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Oxymoron
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 97: A) Simile – The comparison using “as” indicates a simile.

Question 98: In the expression “throw in the towel,” what figure of speech is being used?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 98: B) Metaphor – This phrase is a metaphor for giving up or surrendering.

Question 99: What figure of speech is found in the phrase “the apple of my eye”?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 99: C) Personification – The eye is personified, as if it has an “apple” that is cherished.

Question 100: Identify the figure of speech in the sentence “The road stretched out like a ribbon into the distance.”

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 100: A) Simile – The comparison using “like” indicates a simile.

Question 101: What figure of speech is used in the phrase “a storm in a teacup”?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 101: D) Hyperbole – This phrase is an exaggeration to convey that a situation is blown out of proportion.

Question 102: In the sentence “The river whispered its secrets to the trees,” what figure of speech is being used?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 102: C) Personification – The river is given the human quality of “whispering its secrets.”

Question 103: Identify the figure of speech in the phrase “a watched pot never boils.”

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 103: D) Hyperbole – This phrase is an exaggeration to convey impatience.

Question 104: What figure of speech is found in the sentence “The mountain stood tall like a guardian”?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 104: A) Simile – The comparison using “like” indicates a simile.

Question 105: Identify the figure of speech in the phrase “grinning from ear to ear.”

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Hyperbole

Explanation 105: C) Personification – The face is personified, as if it can grin from ear to ear.

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