Grammar Rules

Is Because a Conjunction?

Subordinating Conjunctions are used to connect clauses which are not of equal rank. One clause depends on the other for completing its meaning. Subordinating conjunctions denote time, place, reason, effect, purpose, manner, condition, comparison, apposition and contrast. Is Because a Conjunction? Because is a subordinating conjunction that denotes reason. Because is also used to show […]

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Is Because a Subordinating Conjunction?

Subordinating Conjunctions are used to connect clauses which are not of equal rank. One clause depends on the other for completing its meaning. Subordinating conjunctions denote time, place, reason, effect, purpose, manner, condition, comparison, apposition and contrast. Is Because a Subordinating Conjunction? Because is a subordinating conjunction that denotes reason. Because is also used to

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Negative to Positive Sentence

Negative to Positive Sentence

Transformation of a sentence is the change of form of the sentence without changing the meaning. In this post, you will find important rules, patterns, and examples for the conversion of Negative to Positive Sentences. Negative to Positive Sentence Conversion Negative: I don’t have any free time.Positive: I am very busy at the moment. Negative:

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Positive to Negative Sentence

Positive to Negative Sentence

Transformation of a sentence is the change of form of the sentence without changing the meaning. In this post, you will find important rules, patterns, and examples for the conversion of Positive to Negative Sentences. Positive to Negative Sentence Conversion Positive: We love our country.Negative: Do we not love our country? Positive: Can I ever

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Compound to Complex Sentence

Compound to Complex Sentence

Transformation of sentences is the process of changing the form of a sentence while simultaneously ensuring that its original meaning is maintained. This process gives writers the opportunity to express their views differently and to draw the desired reactions. Following are examples of compound to complex sentence conversion. COMPOUND TO COMPLEX SENTENCE CONVERSION Compound Sentence

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Complex to Compound sentence

Complex to Compound sentence

Transformation of sentences is the process of changing the form of a sentence while simultaneously ensuring that its original meaning is maintained. Following are examples of the complex to compound sentence conversions. COMPLEX TO COMPOUND SENTENCE CONVERSION Complex Sentence Compound Sentence Although she was tired, she went to the gym.  She was tired but she

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Compound to Simple Sentence

Compound to Simple Sentence

Transformation of sentences is the process of changing the form of a sentence while simultaneously ensuring that its original meaning is maintained. COMPOUND TO SIMPLE SENTENCE CONVERSION Compound to Simple Sentence Type 1: By using a Participle (verb+ing) Compound Sentence Simple Sentence The dog barked loudly and scared the mailman away. Barking loudly, the dog

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Simple to Compound Sentence

Simple to Compound Sentence

Transformation of sentences is the process of changing the form of a sentence while simultaneously ensuring that its original meaning is maintained. Simple to Compound Sentence Conversion Simple to Compound Sentence Type 1 Conversion by using Cumulative Conjunctions Cumulative conjunctions are types of coordinating conjunctions that express addition. Some common cumulative conjunctions are – and, both….and, also,

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Complex Sentence to Simple Sentence

Complex Sentence to Simple Sentence

Transformation of sentences is the process of changing the form of a sentence while simultaneously ensuring that its original meaning is maintained. This process gives writers the opportunity to express their views differently and to draw the desired reactions. Complex Sentence to Simple Sentence Conversion Complex Sentence to Simple Sentence Type 1 Complex Sentence Simple

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Simple to Complex Sentence

Simple to Complex Sentence

Transformation of sentences is the process of changing the form of a sentence while simultaneously ensuring that its original meaning is maintained. This process gives writers the opportunity to express their views differently and to draw the desired reactions. In this post, you will find important rules, patterns, and examples for converting Simple to Complex

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