Primary Auxiliaries

Auxiliaries or Auxiliary Verbs are the verbs that merely help principal verbs in the formation of various verb forms. They are important as structural verbs.

Auxiliaries are of two types: Primary Auxiliaries and Modal Auxiliaries

Primary Auxiliaries
Primary Auxiliaries ListBe Verb: is, am, are, was, were, been, being
Have Verb: have, has, had, having
Do Verb: do, does, did

The Use of Primary Auxiliaries

Primary Auxiliaries are, Do verbs, Have verbs, and Be verbs.

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Be Verbs (am, is, are, was, were)

  1. I am working,
  2. You are writing.
  3. He is sleeping.
  4. I am going to the store.
  5. He is studying for his exam.
  6. They are playing soccer in the park.
  7. We are watching a movie tonight.
  8. The cat is sleeping on the couch.
  9. You are reading a book right now.
  10. My friends are coming over for dinner.

Have Verbs (Have, Has, Had)

  1. I have a meeting at 2 PM.
  2. She has already finished her homework.
  3. They have been studying for hours.
  4. He has not been feeling well lately.
  5. We have decided to go on vacation this summer.
  6. You have to submit the report by the end of the week.
  7. My sister has a lot of experience in marketing.
  8. She had forgotten her keys and was locked out of her apartment.
  9. They had never been to Europe before their trip last summer.
  10. He had finished his work before the deadline.

Do Verbs (Do, did, does)

  1. He does not like spicy food.
  2. We did a lot of sightseeing on our trip to Europe.
  3. Do not waste your time.
  4. You do not look well.
  5. Do you not like sweets?
  6. Did she not pass the test?
  7. The children have done their homework.
  8. Did he come to school yesterday?
  9. My boss did not approve my vacation request.
  10. The team has done an excellent job this season.

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