Quiz on Synonyms and Antonyms

Here, we present a well-designed quiz on Synonyms and Antonyms with answers and detailed explanations.

Quiz on Synonyms and Antonyms

Quiz on Synonyms and Antonyms

Question 1: Synonyms

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What is a synonym for “Secure”?

  • A) Safe
  • B) Increase
  • C) Quick
  • D) Help

Correct Answer: A) Safe, Explanation: “Secure” means free from danger or risk, and “Safe” is a synonym, indicating a state of being free from harm.

Question 2: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Hinder”?

  • A) Help
  • B) Increase
  • C) Expedite
  • D) Simplify

Correct Answer: A) Help, Explanation: “Hinder” means to obstruct or impede, and the antonym, “Help,” signifies the action of providing assistance or support.

Question 3: Synonyms

Choose the synonym for “Expand”:

  • A) Safe
  • B) Increase
  • C) Quick
  • D) Assess

Correct Answer: B) Increase, Explanation: “Expand” means to make larger or grow, and “Increase” is a synonym, indicating a similar action of making something bigger.

Question 4: Antonyms What is the antonym for “Decrease”?

  • A) Help
  • B) Increase
  • C) Expedite
  • D) Simplify

Correct Answer: B) Increase, Explanation: “Decrease” means to make smaller or reduce, and the antonym, “Increase,” signifies the opposite action of making something larger.

Question 5: Synonyms

Choose the synonym for “Prompt”:

  • A) Safe
  • B) Increase
  • C) Quick
  • D) Help


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Correct Answer: C) Quick, Explanation: “Prompt” means to cause something to happen quickly, and “Quick” is a synonym, indicating a similar characteristic of being fast.

Question 6: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Delay”?

  • A) Help
  • B) Increase
  • C) Expedite
  • D) Simplify

Correct Answer: C) Expedite, Explanation: “Delay” means to postpone or slow down, and the antonym, “Expedite,” signifies the action of making something happen more quickly.

Question 7: Synonyms

What is a synonym for “Evaluate”?

  • A) Safe
  • B) Increase
  • C) Assess
  • D) Help

Correct Answer: C) Assess, Explanation: “Evaluate” means to assess or judge the value of something, and “Assess” is a synonym, indicating the action of determining the worth or quality.

Question 8: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Complicate”?

  • A) Help
  • B) Increase
  • C) Expedite
  • D) Simplify

Correct Answer: D) Simplify, Explanation: “Complicate” means to make complex or difficult, and the antonym, “Simplify,” signifies the action of making something more straightforward.

Question 9: Synonyms

Choose the synonym for “Assist”:

  • A) Safe
  • B) Increase
  • C) Quick
  • D) Help

Correct Answer: D) Help, Explanation: “Assist” means to help or support, and “Help” is a synonym, indicating the action of assisting.

Question 10: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Oppose”?

  • A) Help
  • B) Increase
  • C) Expedite
  • D) Support

Correct Answer: D) Support, Explanation: “Oppose” means to resist or go against, and the antonym, “Support,” signifies the action of favoring or endorsing.

Question 11: Synonyms

What is a synonym for “Implement”?

  • A) Execute
  • B) Finish
  • C) Encourage
  • D) Decide

Correct Answer: A) Execute, Explanation: “Implement” means to put into effect or carry out, and “Execute” is a synonym, indicating the action of performing a plan or task.

Question 12: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Facilitate”?

  • A) Execute
  • B) Hinder
  • C) Attend
  • D) Encourage

Correct Answer: B) Hinder, Explanation: “Facilitate” means to make it easier or assist, and the antonym, “Hinder,” signifies the action of creating obstacles or slowing down progress.

Question 13: Synonyms

Choose the synonym for “Conclude”:

  • A) Execute
  • B) Finish
  • C) Encourage
  • D) Explain

Correct Answer: B) Finish, Explanation: “Conclude” means to bring to an end or finish, and “Finish” is a synonym, indicating the completion of a task or activity.

Question 14: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Neglect”?

  • A) Execute
  • B) Hinder
  • C) Attend
  • D) Encourage

Correct Answer: C) Attend, Explanation: “Neglect” means to fail to care for or pay attention to, and the antonym, “Attend,” signifies the action of giving proper attention or care.

Question 15: Synonyms

Choose the synonym for “Stimulate”:

  • A) Execute
  • B) Finish
  • C) Encourage
  • D) Decide

Correct Answer: C) Encourage, Explanation: “Stimulate” means to encourage or incite, and “Encourage” is a synonym, indicating the action of inspiring or fostering positive activity.

Question 16: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Fulfill”?

  • A) Execute
  • B) Hinder
  • C) Fail
  • D) Encourage

Correct Answer: C) Fail, Explanation: “Fulfill” means to satisfy or meet expectations, and the antonym, “Fail,” signifies the inability to meet those expectations.

Question 17: Synonyms

What is a synonym for “Determine”?

  • A) Execute
  • B) Finish
  • C) Encourage
  • D) Decide

Correct Answer: D) Decide, Explanation: “Determine” means to decide or settle, and “Decide” is a synonym, indicating the action of making a choice or reaching a resolution.

Question 18: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Conceal”?

  • A) Execute
  • B) Hinder
  • C) Reveal
  • D) Encourage

Correct Answer: C) Reveal, Explanation: “Conceal” means to hide or keep a secret, and the antonym, “Reveal,” signifies the action of making something known or visible.

Question 19: Synonyms

Choose the synonym for “Elaborate”:

  • A) Execute
  • B) Finish
  • C) Encourage
  • D) Explain

Correct Answer: D) Explain, Explanation: “Elaborate” means to explain or provide more detail, and “Explain” is a synonym, indicating the action of clarifying or giving additional information.

Question 20: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Stagnate”?

  • A) Execute
  • B) Hinder
  • C) Attend
  • D) Progress

Correct Answer: D) Progress, Explanation: “Stagnate” means to become inactive or show little to no progress, and the antonym, “Progress,” signifies the action of moving forward or advancing.

Question 21: Synonyms

What is a synonym for “Assist”?

Correct Answer: A) Aid, Explanation: “Assist” means to help, and “Aid” is a synonym, conveying a similar idea of providing support or assistance.

Question 22: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Obstruct”?

  • A) Facilitate
  • B) Encourage
  • C) Deficient
  • D) Abundant

Correct Answer: A) Facilitate, Explanation: “Obstruct” means to block or hinder, and the antonym, “Facilitate,” signifies the opposite action of making something easier or smoother.

Question 23: Synonyms

Choose the synonym for “Evaluate”:

  • A) Aid
  • B) Appraise
  • C) Deduce
  • D) Acquaint

Correct Answer: B) Appraise, Explanation: “Evaluate” means to assess or judge, and “Appraise” is a synonym, indicating the action of determining the value or quality of something.

Question 24: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Discourage”?

  • A) Encourage
  • B) Deduce
  • C) Deficient
  • D) Clear

Correct Answer: A) Encourage, Explanation: “Discourage” means to dishearten or deter, and the antonym, “Encourage,” signifies the opposite action of inspiring or promoting.

Question 25: Synonyms

Choose the synonym for “Conclude”:

  • A) Aid
  • B) Appraise
  • C) Deduce
  • D) Acquaint

Correct Answer: C) Deduce, Explanation: “Conclude” means to deduce or reach a decision, and “Deduce” is a synonym, conveying a similar idea of drawing a logical inference.

Question 26: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Deficient”?

  • A) Abundant
  • B) Aid
  • C) Encourage
  • D) Clear

Correct Answer: A) Abundant, Explanation: “Deficient” means lacking in quantity or quality, and the antonym, “Abundant,” signifies having more than enough or being plentiful.

Question 27: Synonyms

What is a synonym for “Familiarize”?

  • A) Aid
  • B) Appraise
  • C) Deduce
  • D) Acquaint

Correct Answer: D) Acquaint, Explanation: “Familiarize” means to make familiar or acquainted with, and “Acquaint” is a synonym, indicating the action of becoming familiar with someone or something.

Question 28: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Obscure”?

  • A) Clear
  • B) Aid
  • C) Encourage
  • D) Deficient

Correct Answer: A) Clear, Explanation: “Obscure” means unclear or hidden, and the antonym, “Clear,” signifies the opposite characteristic of being easily understood or visible.

Question 29: Synonyms

Choose the synonym for “Persist”:

  • A) Aid
  • B) Appraise
  • C) Endure
  • D) Acquaint

Correct Answer: C) Endure, Explanation: “Persist” means to continue or endure, and “Endure” is a synonym, conveying a similar idea of facing challenges or difficulties over time.

Question 30: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Rigid”?

  • A) Flexible
  • B) Aid
  • C) Appraise
  • D) Deduce

Correct Answer: A) Flexible, Explanation: “Rigid” means inflexible or stiff, and the antonym, “Flexible,” signifies the opposite characteristic of being adaptable or easily bent.

Question 31: Synonyms

What is a synonym for “Depart”?

  • A) Embark
  • B) Inspect
  • C) Reach
  • D) Begin

Correct Answer: A) Embark, Explanation: “Depart” means to leave, and “Embark” is a synonym, as it also refers to the beginning of a journey.

Question 32: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Halt”?

  • A) Continue
  • B) Inspect
  • C) Reach
  • D) Begin

Correct Answer: A) Continue, Explanation: “Halt” means to stop, and the antonym, “Continue,” signifies the opposite action of not stopping or proceeding.

Question 33: Synonyms

Choose the synonym for “Examine”:

  • A) Inspect
  • B) Embark
  • C) Reach
  • D) Begin

Correct Answer: A) Inspect, Explanation: “Examine” means to inspect or scrutinize, and “Inspect” is a synonym, conveying a similar idea of careful observation.

Question 34: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Deter”?

  • A) Encourage
  • B) Persist
  • C) Expedite
  • D) Advance

Correct Answer: A) Encourage, Explanation: “Deter” means to discourage or prevent, and the antonym, “Encourage,” signifies the opposite action of promoting or supporting.

Question 35: Synonyms

Choose the synonym for “Arrive”:

  • A) Inspect
  • B) Reach
  • C) Begin
  • D) Embark

Correct Answer: B) Reach, Explanation: “Arrive” means to reach a destination, and “Reach” is a synonym, indicating the action of arriving at a place.

Question 36: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Cease”?

  • A) Persist
  • B) Expedite
  • C) Continue
  • D) Advance

Correct Answer: C) Continue, Explanation: “Cease” means to stop or come to an end, and the antonym, “Continue,” signifies the opposite action of not stopping or proceeding.

Question 37: Synonyms

What is a synonym for “Commence”?

  • A) Begin
  • B) Embark
  • C) Reach
  • D) Inspect

Correct Answer: A) Begin, Explanation: “Commence” means to begin, and “Begin” is a synonym, conveying the idea of starting or initiating.

Question 38: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Delay”?

  • A) Expedite
  • B) Continue
  • C) Persist
  • D) Advance

Correct Answer: A) Expedite, Explanation: “Delay” means to postpone or cause to be late, and the antonym, “Expedite,” signifies the opposite action of making something happen more quickly.

Question 39: Synonyms

Choose the synonym for “Convey”:

  • A) Transport
  • B) Begin
  • C) Inspect
  • D) Embark

Correct Answer: A) Transport, Explanation: “Convey” means to transport or carry, and “Transport” is a synonym, indicating the action of moving or carrying something.

Question 40: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Retreat”?

  • A) Advance
  • B) Continue
  • C) Persist
  • D) Expedite

Correct Answer: A) Advance, Explanation: “Retreat” means to withdraw or move backward, and the antonym, “Advance,” signifies the opposite action of moving forward or progressing.

Question 41: Synonyms

What is a synonym for “Allocate”?

  • A) Allot
  • B) Release
  • C) Merge
  • D) Expedite

Correct Answer: A) Allot, Explanation: “Allocate” means to assign or distribute, and “Allot” is a synonym, indicating the action of distributing something for a specific purpose.

Question 42: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Constrict”?

  • A) Expand
  • B) Boom
  • C) Improve
  • D) Solvency

Correct Answer: A) Expand, Explanation: “Constrict” means to tighten or narrow, and the antonym, “Expand,” signifies the opposite action of making something more extensive.

Question 43: Synonyms

Choose the synonym for “Liberate”:

  • A) Allot
  • B) Release
  • C) Merge
  • D) Expedite

Correct Answer: B) Release, Explanation: “Liberate” means to set free or release, and “Release” is a synonym, conveying a similar idea of freeing someone or something.

Question 44: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Recession”?

  • A) Expand
  • B) Improve
  • C) Boom
  • D) Solvency

Correct Answer: C) Boom, Explanation: “Recession” refers to a decline in economic activity, and the antonym, “Boom,” signifies a period of economic prosperity and growth.

Question 45: Synonyms

Choose the synonym for “Consolidate”:

  • A) Allot
  • B) Release
  • C) Merge
  • D) Expedite

Correct Answer: C) Merge, Explanation: “Consolidate” means to combine or merge into a unified whole, and “Merge” is a synonym, indicating the action of joining together.

Question 46: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Deteriorate”?

  • A) Expand
  • B) Improve
  • C) Boom
  • D) Solvency

Correct Answer: B) Improve, Explanation: “Deteriorate” means to worsen or decline in quality, and the antonym, “Improve,” signifies the opposite action of making something better.

Question 47: Synonyms

What is a synonym for “Facilitate”?

  • A) Allot
  • B) Release
  • C) Merge
  • D) Expedite

Correct Answer: D) Expedite, Explanation: “Facilitate” means to make easier or expedite, and “Expedite” is a synonym, indicating the action of speeding up or simplifying a process.

Question 48: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Insolvency”?

  • A) Expand
  • B) Boom
  • C) Improve
  • D) Solvency

Correct Answer: D) Solvency, Explanation: “Insolvency” refers to a state of financial inability to pay debts, and the antonym, “Solvency,” signifies the ability to meet financial obligations.

Question 49: Synonyms

Choose the synonym for “Fulfill”:

  • A) Allot
  • B) Release
  • C) Merge
  • D) Accomplish

Correct Answer: D) Accomplish, Explanation: “Fulfill” means to achieve or complete, and “Accomplish” is a synonym, indicating the action of completing a task or goal.

Question 50: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Withdraw”?

  • A) Expand
  • B) Boom
  • C) Improve
  • D) Deposit

Correct Answer: D) Deposit, Explanation: “Withdraw” means to take back or remove, and the antonym, “Deposit,” signifies the action of putting something in or placing it.

Question 51: Synonyms

What is a synonym for “Apprehend”?

  • A) Arrest
  • B) Watchful
  • C) Preventive
  • D) Observation

Correct Answer: A) Arrest, Explanation: “Apprehend” means to take into custody, and “Arrest” is a synonym, indicating the action of detaining someone.

Question 52: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Exonerate”?

  • A) Accuse
  • B) Unlawful
  • C) Guilty
  • D) Violate

Correct Answer: A) Accuse, Explanation: “Exonerate” means to clear from blame or accusation, and the antonym, “Accuse,” signifies the opposite action of charging someone with wrongdoing.

Question 53: Synonyms

Choose the synonym for “Vigilant”:

  • A) Arrest
  • B) Watchful
  • C) Preventive
  • D) Observation

Correct Answer: B) Watchful, Explanation: “Vigilant” means being alert and watchful, and “Watchful” is a synonym, conveying a similar sense of being observant.

Question 54: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Lawful”?

  • A) Unlawful
  • B) Innocent
  • C) Guilty
  • D) Violate

Correct Answer: A) Unlawful, Explanation: “Lawful” means in accordance with the law, and the antonym, “Unlawful,” signifies actions or behavior that goes against the law.

Question 55: Synonyms

Choose the synonym for “Deterrent”:

  • A) Arrest
  • B) Watchful
  • C) Preventive
  • D) Observation

Correct Answer: C) Preventive, Explanation: “Deterrent” means something that discourages or prevents, and “Preventive” is a synonym, indicating the action of hindering or stopping something undesirable.

Question 56: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Innocent”?

  • A) Accuse
  • B) Unlawful
  • C) Guilty
  • D) Violate

Correct Answer: C) Guilty, Explanation: “Innocent” means not guilty or free from wrongdoing, and the antonym, “Guilty,” signifies being responsible for a crime or offense.

Question 57: Synonyms

What is a synonym for “Surveillance”?

  • A) Arrest
  • B) Watchful
  • C) Preventive
  • D) Observation

Correct Answer: D) Observation, Explanation: “Surveillance” means close observation, and “Observation” is a synonym, indicating the act of watching or monitoring closely.

Question 58: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Abide”?

  • A) Accuse
  • B) Unlawful
  • C) Violate
  • D) Secure

Correct Answer: C) Violate, Explanation: “Abide” means to follow or obey, and the antonym, “Violate,” signifies the action of breaking or disregarding rules or laws.

Question 59: Synonyms

Choose the synonym for “Incriminate”:

  • A) Arrest
  • B) Watchful
  • C) Preventive
  • D) Accuse

Correct Answer: D) Accuse, Explanation: “Incriminate” means to accuse or implicate in a crime, and “Accuse” is a synonym, conveying a similar idea of blaming someone for wrongdoing.

Question 60: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Secure”?

  • A) Accuse
  • B) Unlawful
  • C) Guilty
  • D) Vulnerable

Correct Answer: D) Vulnerable, Explanation: “Secure” means protected or safe, and the antonym, “Vulnerable,” signifies being open to harm or attack.

Question 61: Synonyms

What is a synonym for “Litigation”?

  • A) Legal theory
  • B) Legal proceedings
  • C) Accusation
  • D) Judge

Correct Answer: B) Legal, proceedings Explanation: “Litigation” refers to legal proceedings, and “Legal proceedings” is a synonym, indicating the formal process of resolving disputes in a court of law.

Question 62: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Acquit”?

  • A) Convict
  • B) Harmful
  • C) Implicate
  • D) Praise

Correct Answer: A) Convict, Explanation: “Acquit” means to declare someone not guilty, and the antonym, “Convict,” signifies the opposite action of finding someone guilty of a crime.

Question 63: Synonyms

Choose the synonym for “Jurisprudence”:

  • A) Accusation
  • B) Judge
  • C) Legal Theory
  • D) Sworn statement

Correct Answer: C) Legal, theory Explanation: “Jurisprudence” refers to legal theory or the philosophy of law, and “Legal theory” is a synonym, conveying a similar idea of the principles and philosophy underlying the legal system.

Question 64: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Innocuous”?

  • A) Harmful
  • B) Convict
  • C) Implicate
  • D) Praise

Correct Answer: A) Harmful, Explanation: “Innocuous” means harmless or not likely to cause harm, and the antonym, “Harmful,” signifies the opposite characteristic of causing damage or danger.

Question 65: Synonyms

Choose the synonym for “Allegation”:

  • A) Judge
  • B) Accusation
  • C) Sworn statement
  • D) Legal Theory

Correct Answer: B) Accusation, Explanation: “Allegation” means an assertion or statement without proof, and “Accusation” is a synonym, indicating the act of accusing someone of wrongdoing.

Question 66: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Exonerate”?

  • A) Convict
  • B) Implicate
  • C) Compliance
  • D) Praise

Correct Answer: A) Convict, Explanation: “Exonerate” means to clear from blame or accusation, and the antonym, “Convict,” signifies the opposite action of finding someone guilty and pronouncing a sentence.

Question 67: Synonyms

What is a synonym for “Adjudicate”?

  • A) Legal Theory
  • B) Legal proceedings
  • C) Accusation
  • D) Judge

Correct Answer: D) Judge, Explanation: “Adjudicate” means to judge or settle a dispute, and “Judge” is a synonym, indicating the action of making a legal decision.

Question 68: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Infringement”?

  • A) Convict
  • B) Harmful
  • C) Compliance
  • D) Praise

Correct Answer: C) Compliance, Explanation: “Infringement” means a violation or breach, and the antonym, “Compliance,” signifies the action of adhering to rules or regulations.

Question 69: Synonyms

Choose the synonym for “Affidavit”:

  • A) Accusation
  • B) Judge
  • C) Sworn statement
  • D) Legal Theory

Correct Answer: C) Sworn, statement Explanation: “Affidavit” is a sworn statement made under oath, and “Sworn statement” is a synonym, indicating a written declaration of facts confirmed by oath.

Question 70: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Libel”?

  • A) Convict
  • B) Harmful
  • C) Praise
  • D) Compliance

Correct Answer: C) Praise, Explanation: “Libel” refers to false and damaging written statements, and the antonym, “Praise,” signifies the action of expressing approval or admiration.

Question 71: Synonyms

What is a synonym for “Evaluate”?

  • A) Assess
  • B) Amend
  • C) Comprise
  • D) Infer

Correct Answer: A) Assess, Explanation: “Evaluate” means to assess or judge, and “Assess” is a synonym, indicating the action of evaluating or determining the value or quality of something.

Question 72: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Neglect”?

  • A) Attend
  • B) Abundance
  • C) Facilitate
  • D) Modern

Correct Answer: A) Attend, Explanation: “Neglect” means to fail to care for or pay attention to, and the antonym, “Attend,” signifies the opposite action of taking care of or being mindful.

Question 73: Synonyms

Choose the synonym for “Revise”:

  • A) Amend
  • B) Comprise
  • C) Infer
  • D) Execute

Correct Answer: A) Amend, Explanation: “Revise” means to amend or make changes, and “Amend” is a synonym, conveying a similar idea of making alterations or corrections.

Question 74: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Scarcity”?

  • A) Attend
  • B) Abundance
  • C) Facilitate
  • D) Vocal

Correct Answer: B) Abundance, Explanation: “Scarcity” means a lack or shortage, and the antonym, “Abundance,” signifies a plentiful or ample supply.

Question 75: Synonyms

Choose the synonym for “Constitute”:

  • A) Assess
  • B) Amend
  • C) Comprise
  • D) Execute

Correct Answer: C) Comprise, Explanation: “Constitute” means to form or make up, and “Comprise” is a synonym, indicating the action of being composed of or including.

Question 76: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Hinder”?

  • A) Attend
  • B) Abundance
  • C) Facilitate
  • D) Vocal

Correct Answer: C) Facilitate, Explanation: “Hinder” means to obstruct or impede progress, and the antonym, “Facilitate,” signifies the opposite action of making something easier or smoother.

Question 77: Synonyms

What is a synonym for “Deduce”?

  • A) Assess
  • B) Amend
  • C) Comprise
  • D) Infer

Correct Answer: D) Infer, Explanation: “Deduce” means to infer or derive logically, and “Infer” is a synonym, conveying a similar idea of reaching a conclusion based on evidence.

Question 78: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Obsolete”?

  • A) Attend
  • B) Abundance
  • C) Modern
  • D) Vocal

Correct Answer: C) Modern, Explanation: “Obsolete” means outdated or no longer in use, and the antonym, “Modern,” signifies something current or up-to-date.

Question 79: Synonyms

Choose the synonym for “Implement”:

  • A) Assess
  • B) Amend
  • C) Execute
  • D) Infer

Correct Answer: C) Execute, Explanation: “Implement” means to execute or put into effect, and “Execute” is a synonym, indicating the action of carrying out a plan or action.

Question 80: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Reticent”?

  • A) Attend
  • B) Abundance
  • C) Vocal
  • D) Modern

Correct Answer: C) Vocal, Explanation: “Reticent” means reserved or reluctant to speak, and the antonym, “Vocal,” signifies being open and expressive in communication.

Question 81: Synonyms

What is a synonym for “Benevolent”?

  • A) Malicious
  • B) Kindhearted
  • C) Thorough
  • D) Fluent

Correct Answer: B) Kindhearted, Explanation: “Benevolent” means showing kindness and goodwill, and “Kindhearted” is a synonym, as it also conveys a compassionate and generous nature.

Question 82: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Verbose”?

  • A) Wordy
  • B) Brief
  • C) Incoherent
  • D) Fluent

Correct Answer: B) Brief, Explanation: “Verbose” means using more words than necessary, while the antonym, “Brief,” implies being concise and using fewer words.

Question 83: Synonyms

Choose the synonym for “Concise”:

  • A) Wordy
  • B) Brief
  • C) Thorough
  • D) Incoherent

Correct Answer: B) Brief, Explanation: “Concise” means expressing much in a few words, and “Brief” is a synonym, indicating brevity and clarity.

Question 84: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Negligent”?

  • A) Careless
  • B) Incoherent
  • C) Thorough
  • D) Kindhearted

Correct Answer: A) Careless, Explanation: “Negligent” means failing to take proper care, and the antonym, “Careless,” implies being attentive and cautious.

Question 85: Synonyms

Choose the synonym for “Meticulous”:

  • A) Kindhearted
  • B) Fluent
  • C) Thorough
  • D) Improve

Correct Answer: C) Thorough, Explanation: “Meticulous” means showing great attention to detail, and “Thorough” is a synonym, conveying a similar sense of completeness.

Question 86: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Inarticulate”?

  • A) Malicious
  • B) Wordy
  • C) Fluent
  • D) Incoherent

Correct Answer: C) Fluent, Explanation: “Inarticulate” means lacking the ability to express oneself clearly, while the antonym, “Fluent,” indicates the ability to express thoughts smoothly and coherently.

Question 87: Synonyms

What is a synonym for “Enhance”?

  • A) Malicious
  • B) Kindhearted
  • C) Thorough
  • D) Improve

Correct Answer: D) Improve, Explanation: “Enhance” means to improve or increase in quality, and “Improve” is a synonym, as it also signifies making something better.

Question 88: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Deteriorate”?

  • A) Worsen
  • B) Kindhearted
  • C) Improve
  • D) Fluent

Correct Answer: C) Improve, Explanation: “Deteriorate” means to become worse, while the antonym, “Improve,” signifies making something better.

Question 89: Synonyms

Choose the synonym for “Eloquent”:

  • A) Fluent
  • B) Thorough
  • C) Incoherent
  • D) Kindhearted

Correct Answer: A) Fluent, Explanation: “Eloquent” means fluent and persuasive in speaking or writing, and “Fluent” is a synonym, indicating a similar proficiency in the language.

Question 90: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Malevolent”?

  • A) Malicious
  • B) Kindhearted
  • C) Thorough
  • D) Benevolent

Correct Answer: B) Kindhearted, Explanation: “Malevolent” means having or showing a desire to harm others, and the antonym, “Kindhearted,” signifies a compassionate and benevolent nature.

Question 91: Synonyms

What is a synonym for “Pertinent”?

  • A) Relevant
  • B) Loud
  • C) Echo
  • D) Aggravate

Correct Answer: A) Relevant, Explanation: “Pertinent” means relevant or applicable, and “Relevant” is a synonym, conveying a similar idea of being directly related to the matter at hand.

Question 92: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Conceal”?

  • A) Reveal
  • B) Strengthen
  • C) Unpleasant
  • D) Praise

Correct Answer: A) Reveal, Explanation: “Conceal” means to hide or keep secret, and the antonym, “Reveal,” signifies the opposite action of making something known or visible.

Question 93: Synonyms

Choose the synonym for “Vociferous”:

  • A) Relevant
  • B) Loud
  • C) Echo
  • D) Aggravate

Correct Answer: B) Loud, Explanation: “Vociferous” means loud or outspoken, and “Loud” is a synonym, indicating a similar characteristic of making a strong and noisy expression.

Question 94: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Enervate”?

  • A) Strengthen
  • B) Alleviate
  • C) Unpleasant
  • D) Praise

Correct Answer: A) Strengthen, Explanation: “Enervate” means to weaken or debilitate, and the antonym, “Strengthen,” signifies the opposite action of making something stronger or more vigorous.

Question 95: Synonyms

Choose the synonym for “Reverberate”:

  • A) Relevant
  • B) Loud
  • C) Echo
  • D) Aggravate

Correct Answer: C) Echo, Explanation: “Reverberate” means to echo or resound, and “Echo” is a synonym, conveying a similar idea of sound waves bouncing back.

Question 96: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Congenial”?

  • A) Reveal
  • B) Strengthen
  • C) Unpleasant
  • D) Praise

Correct Answer: C) Unpleasant, Explanation: “Congenial” means pleasant or friendly, and the antonym, “Unpleasant,” signifies the opposite characteristic of being disagreeable or unfriendly.

Question 97: Synonyms

What is a synonym for “Exacerbate”?

  • A) Relevant
  • B) Loud
  • C) Echo
  • D) Aggravate

Correct Answer: D) Aggravate, Explanation: “Exacerbate” means to aggravate or worsen, and “Aggravate” is a synonym, conveying a similar idea of making a situation more intense or severe.

Question 98: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Censure”?

  • A) Reveal
  • B) Strengthen
  • C) Praise
  • D) Expand

Correct Answer: C) Praise, Explanation: “Censure” means to criticize or express disapproval, and the antonym, “Praise,” signifies the opposite action of expressing approval or admiration.

Question 99: Synonyms

Choose the synonym for “Mitigate”:

  • A) Relevant
  • B) Alleviate
  • C) Echo
  • D) Aggravate

Correct Answer: B) Alleviate, Explanation: “Mitigate” means to alleviate or lessen, and “Alleviate” is a synonym, indicating the action of making something more bearable or reducing its severity.

Question 100: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Constrict”?

  • A) Reveal
  • B) Strengthen
  • C) Praise
  • D) Expand

Correct Answer: D) Expand, Explanation: “Constrict” means to tighten or narrow, and the antonym, “Expand,” signifies the opposite action of making something more extensive.

Question 101: Synonyms

What is a synonym for “Prudent”?

  • A) Wise
  • B) Improve
  • C) Persistent
  • D) Illustrate

Correct Answer: A) Wise, Explanation: “Prudent” means showing wisdom and good judgment, and “Wise” is a synonym, indicating similar qualities of sound decision-making.

Question 102: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Inefficacious”?

  • A) Effective
  • B) Industrious
  • C) Clarify
  • D) Harmonious

Correct Answer: A) Effective, Explanation: “Inefficacious” means not effective or incapable of producing the desired result, and the antonym, “Effective,” signifies the ability to achieve the intended outcome.

Question 103: Synonyms

Choose the synonym for “Ameliorate”:

  • A) Wise
  • B) Improve
  • C) Persistent
  • D) Illustrate

Correct Answer: B) Improve, Explanation: “Ameliorate” means to make better or improve, and “Improve” is a synonym, indicating the action of enhancing or upgrading.

Question 104: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Indolent”?

  • A) Effective
  • B) Industrious
  • C) Clarify
  • D) Harmonious

Correct Answer: B) Industrious, Explanation: “Indolent” means lazy or idle, and the antonym, “Industrious,” signifies being hardworking and diligent.

Question 105: Synonyms

Choose the synonym for “Tenacious”:

  • A) Wise
  • B) Improve
  • C) Persistent
  • D) Illustrate

Correct Answer: C) Persistent, Explanation: “Tenacious” means holding firmly or being persistent, and “Persistent” is a synonym, indicating a similar quality of continuing with determination.

Question 106: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Obfuscate”?

  • A) Effective
  • B) Industrious
  • C) Clarify
  • D) Harmonious

Correct Answer: C) Clarify, Explanation: “Obfuscate” means to make unclear or confusing, and the antonym, “Clarify,” signifies the action of making something clear or more understandable.

Question 107: Synonyms

What is a synonym for “Exemplify”?

  • A) Wise
  • B) Improve
  • C) Persistent
  • D) Illustrate

Correct Answer: D) Illustrate, Explanation: “Exemplify” means to serve as an example or illustrate, and “Illustrate” is a synonym, indicating the action of providing a visual representation or example.

Question 108: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Bureaucratic”?

  • A) Effective
  • B) Industrious
  • C) Streamlined
  • D) Harmonious

Correct Answer: C) Streamlined, Explanation: “Bureaucratic” refers to excessive administrative procedures, and the antonym, “Streamlined,” signifies a simplified and efficient process.

Question 109: Synonyms

Choose the synonym for “Efficacious”:

  • A) Wise
  • B) Improve
  • C) Persistent
  • D) Effective

Correct Answer: D) Effective, Explanation: “Efficacious” means producing the desired result or effective, and “Effective” is a synonym, indicating the ability to achieve a specific outcome.

Question 110: Antonyms

What is the antonym for “Contentious”?

  • A) Effective
  • B) Industrious
  • C) Clarify
  • D) Harmonious

Correct Answer: D) Harmonious, Explanation: “Contentious” means causing disagreement or conflict, and the antonym, “Harmonious,” signifies a state of peaceful and cooperative coexistence.

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