The System of Affixation in English refers to the process of attaching a group of letters to a word in order to change its meaning, number, state, or form.
There are two primary types of affixation: Prefixes and Suffixes

Base word | Affixation | Word |
determined | pre + determined | predetermined |
play | play + er | player |
weekly | bi + weekly | biweekly |
follow | follow + ing | following |
A prefix is a small group of letters that are affixed at the beginning of the word.
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- Subsidiary
- Nonviolence
- Intolerance
Functions of Prefix
Indicate presence or absence
amoral | without morals |
injected | put into |
congenital | present from birth |
Indicate position
hypodermic | under the skin |
circumnavigate | to sail around |
antechamber | a chamber before another |
Interstellar | between stars |
Indicate qualities, size, or number
thermometer | heat measuring instrument |
macrocosm | big world or universe |
polyglot | someone who speaks many languages |
Indicates time, frequency, or order
post dated | later than the stipulated date |
redo | do again |
primary | first |
Types of Prefixes
Negative Prefixes
Prefix | Meaning | Usage |
un- | not | uncomfortable, unbearable, unforgivable |
in- | not | incomplete, indecisive, independent |
dis- | opposite of | disinterested, disproportionate, displeasure |
ir- | not | irresponsive, irresponsible, irrevocable |
il- | not | illogical, illegitimate, illegible |
im- | not | improbable, impossible, impenetrable |
non- | not | nonviolent, nonchalant, non-invasive |
mis- | wrong/wrongly | misinterpret, misunderstand, miscalculation |
mis- | hate | misogynist, misogamist, misanthrope |
mal- | bad/ badly | malfunction, malevolent, malediction, malnutrition |
anti- | against | antinational, antibacterial, antibiotics |
de- | down, reduce | descend, decry, deject, demote, decline |
a- | without, not | asocial, amorphous, abiotic, atrophy |
dis- | apart, off, away | disband, disturb, disburse, dismiss |
dys- | bad | dystopia, dysfunctional, dyslexia |
Prefixes of Size
Prefix | Meaning | Usage |
semi- | half | semicircle, semiconductor, semi-active, semicolon |
equi- | equal | equidistant, equivalent, equisonant |
micro- | small, tiny | microscope, microorganism, microcosm, micromanage |
macro- | big | macroeconomics, macrocosm, macrolevel |
mega- | big | megalomaniac, megapolis, megapixel |
mini- | small | minimum, minicomputer, miniature |
maxi- | big | maximum, maximal, maxim |
hemi- | half | hemisphere |
Prefixes of Position or Location
Prefix | Meaning | Usage |
inter- | between | interstellar, intermediate, interval, intervene |
super- | over, above | superfluous, supersede, superintendent, supervisor |
trans- | across | transfer, transport, transgress, transmit |
ex- | out | exterior, external, extraneous, extract |
in-/ im- | inside | internal, induce, imbibe, impregnate, influence |
sub-, suc-, sus- | under | subterranean, susceptible, submit, submarine |
sur- | over | surface, surfeit, surrender, survive, surcharge |
circum- | around | circumspect, circumnavigate, circumscribe, circumvent |
peri- | around | perimeter, periscope, perimortem |
per- | through | percolate, pervade, perfect, perforated, perceive |
infra- | below | infrared, infravision, infrarealism |
ab- | away | abduct, abstain, abjure, abdicate |
contra- | against | contravene, contradict, contralto, contrast |
de- | down | descend, decline, demote, decrease |
dia- | across | diagonal, diaphanous, diachronic, diagnosis |
hyper- | over | hypertrophy, hyperactivity, hyperbole, hypertension |
hypo- | under | hypothermia, hypothyroid |
ob- | against | obloquy, obnoxious, object, obfuscate |
pro- | for | prologue, provide, protect, project, procreate |
syn-, sym- | together | synthesis, syndicate, sympathy |
ultra- | beyond | ultraviolet, ultramodern, ultra-royalist, ultrasonic |
under- | under | underground, underachiever, underestimate |
meta- | beyond | metastasis, metabolize, metamorphic, metaphysics |
mid- | between | midterm, middle, midday |
by- | near | bypass, bygone, by-product |
epi- | upon | epidermis, epilogue, epitaph |
post- | back | postern, posterior |
Prefixes of time and sequence
Prefix | Meaning | Usage |
pre- | before | prevent, prepare, predict, premonition, prelude |
ante- | before | antediluvian, antebellum |
prime- | first | primary, primordial, prima donna, primate, primeval |
post- | after | posterity, posthumous, postlude, post-marital |
retro- | before | retrogression, retroflex, retrospect |
pro- | before | progenitor, proceed, prologue, prophecy, prophylactic |
re- | again | recur, recount, rethink |
fore- | before | foretell, forestall, foresight |
after- | after | after-effects, afterthought |
chron- | time | chronology, chronicle |
Prefixes of numbers and amount
Prefix | Meaning | Usage |
mono- | one | monotheism, monologue, monochromatic, monarch |
uni- | one | universe, unitary, union, unanimous, unity |
bi- | two | bicentennial, biannual, bicycle, bigamous, bipolar |
du-, di- | two | duo, dual, dicotyledon, dichromatic |
tri- | three | trident, tricolor, triumvirate, trifecta, trilogy, tripod |
quad- | four | quadruple, quadruplets, quadrilateral |
tetra- | four | tetrapods, tetrameter |
penta- | five | pentagram, pentacle, pentagon |
quint- | five | quintuplets, quintal |
hex- | six | hexagon, hexadecimal, hexameter |
sex- | six | sextuplets, sextet |
sept- | seven | septuagenarian, septuplets |
hept- | seven | heptagonal, heptathlon |
octa- | eight | octagon, October, octopus, octuplets |
nov- | nine | novena, November |
dec- | ten | decade, decimal, decathlon |
hendeca- | eleven | hendecacolic, hendecagonal |
dodeca- | twelve | dodecahedron, dodecaphony |
triskaideka- | thirteen | triskaidekaphobia |
cent- | hundred | century, century, centipede |
hector- | thousand | hector, hectogram |
kilo- | thousand | kilogram |
mega- | million | megaton, megahertz |
giga- | billion | gigabyte |
multi- | many | multimillionaire, multipurpose |
poly- | many | polynomial, polygon, polymath |
Miscellaneous Prefixes
Prefix | Meaning | Usage |
alb- | white | albino, albinism |
ambi- | both | ambidextrous, ambivalent, ambiguous |
amphi- | both | amphibian, amphitheatre |
bio- | life | biology, biohazard, biosphere |
auto- | self | automated, autonomous, autocrat |
co-, com-, con- | together, joint | co-dependent, companion, congregation |
en-, em- | make, become | engender, empower, endanger |
eu- | good | euthanasia, eulogy, euphemism |
cario- | heart | cardiovascular, cardiogram |
hydr- | water | hydrogen, hydraulic, hydrophobia |
ig- | bad | ignominy, ignoble, ignorant |
bene- | good | benevolent, benediction, benign |
bon- | good | bon voyage, bonhomie, bonafide |
homo- | same | homonym, homophone, homeopathy |
pan- | all | panacea, pan Asiatic, panorama |
pseudo- | fake | pseudonym |
neo-, nov- | new | neologism, novelty |
amo-, ami | love | amorous, amicable, amiable |
aqua- | water | aqueduct, aquatic |
A suffix is a group of letters that are fixed to the end of a root word or a base word.
Functions of Suffix
Change the part of speech of the word
meaning (n) | meaningful (adj) |
beautiful (adj) | beautifully (adv) |
subject (n) | subjecting (v) |
Indicate whether the number is singular or plural
girl (singular noun) | girls (plural noun) |
stratum (singular noun ) | strata (plural noun) |
lifts (singular verb) | lift (plural verb) |
Indicate the tense of the verb
hopped (past) | hopping (continuous) |
steal (past) | stolen (past participle) |
Indicate the gender of a noun
host (masculine) | hostess (feminine) |
steward (masculine) | stewardess (feminine) |
executor (masculine) | executrix (feminine) |
Types of Suffixes
Noun Suffixes
Suffix | Usage | Example |
-al | state | refusal, betrayal, perusal |
-ance, -ence, -ancy, -ency | quality or state | militancy, performance |
-tion | condition | condition, relation |
-ice | condition | malice, novice, justice |
-er/-or | doer | painter, trainer, actor |
-graph | record | telegraph, phonograph, polygraph |
-ism | belief | Hinduism, communism, fascism |
-ist | doer | pacifist, pianist, altruist |
-ian | someone who does | Gandhian, guardian, politician |
-ing | name of an activity | reading, gardening, sleeping |
-ity | state | continuity, annuity |
-logy | the study | geology, neurology |
-ship | state of | friendship, kinship, sportsmanship |
-sion, -tion | the process of | expansion, determination, connection |
-ory | place | dormitory, reformatory, laboratory |
-orium, -arium | place | sanitarium, aquarium, crematorium |
-mania | madness | monomania, bibliomania, egomani |
-phobia | fear | hydrophobia, cynophobia, mysophobia |
-ure | state | composure, exposure, leisure |
-ment | state | abandonment, refinement, entertainment |
-ness | state | happiness, completeness, fullness |
Suffixes of Verbs
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Suffix | Usage | Example |
-able | to make | enable, disable |
-ate | Latin origin verbs | recreate, abate, mediate |
-ed | simple past or participle form | killed, toyed, booked |
-en | verbs formed from adjectives | broken, frozen, sunken |
-er | actions that have a repetitive quality | blabber, snicker, mutter |
-fy | do | magnify, specify, rectify |
-ing | action in continuation | hearing, yearning, making |
-ise | to make/do | revolutionise, apologise, despise |
-ish | become or do | flourish, banish, demolish |
-nt | to do | prevent, augment, content |
-s, -es | simple present tense form | criticises, runs, laughs |
Suffixes of Adjectives
Suffix | Meaning | Usage |
-able, -ible | having the quality of | flexible, available, eatable |
-al | related to | ventral, global, musical |
-ant | doing | dependent, buoyant, resilient |
-ic | having the quality | terrific, generic, specific |
-esque | like, having the quality | statuesque, picturesque |
-er, -est | comparative and superlative qualities | fatter, tallest |
-ose | full of | verbose, grandiose |
-ful | full of | beautiful, boastful, grateful |
-ing | participle form of an adjective | interesting, frustrating, sleeping |
-istic | having the quality | realistic, artistic, surrealistic |
-ive | having the nature of | pensive, aggressive, massive |
-ous, -ious | full of | gaseous, spacious, gracious |
Suffixes of Adverbs
Suffix | Meaning | Usage |
-ably | with a quality | comfortably, admirably, disagreeably |
-ibly | with a quality | audibly, horribly, negligibly |
-s | shows time or place | backwards, always, forwards |
-wise | shows manner or position | clockwise, otherwise, lengthwise |
Root Words and Base Words
The root word and the base words are the parts that contain the primary meaning of the word. Prefixes and suffixes are added to root and base words to create new words and ideas.
Root Word
- A root word cannot stand on its own as an independent word.
- It needs the addition of the prefix or the suffix for the completion of its meaning.
- For example, let us consider the words amphibian, regeneration and subtraction.
amphi- -bi- -an
prefix root suffix
re- -generat- -ion
prefix root suffix
sub- -tract- -ion
prefix root suffix
- In the above cases, the roots -bi-, -generat- and -tract- cannot stand alone as individual words.
- They are therefore known as root words.
Base Word
- A base word, unlike a root word, can stand on its own like an independent word.
- It does not need the addition of a prefix or suffix in order to function as a stand-alone word.
- For example, let us consider the words redone, nonviolent and unmoved.
re- done
prefix base word
non- violent
prefix base word
un- moved
prefix base word
In the above examples, done, violent, and moved can function as independent words.
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