When a phrase begins and ends with a Preposition (of, at. by. with, from, over etc.) it is called a Prepositional Phrase.
Prepositional phrases make sentences clearer and more concise, build vocabulary and improve writing skills. In this post, we present you the list of Prepositional Phrases.

Find the Prepositional Phrases in the Following Sentences
Lisa succeeded in life by virtue of honesty.
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by virtue of
Pamela shouted at the top of his voice.
at the top of
There was a lovely pond in front of the house.
in front of
By dint of hard work, he was able to achieve his goals.
by dint of
He was absent because of his illness.
because of
The accident occurred in front of the house.
in front of
In the middle of the night, she woke up.
In the middle of
With respect to your question, I believe that further research is needed.
With respect to
On account of the bad weather, the flight was delayed.
on account of
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He has selected mechanics instead of mathematics.
instead of
In response to the complaints, the company issued a formal apology.
In response to
You will get books in lieu of the medal.
in lieu of
In pursuit of happiness, she left her job and travelled the world.
In pursuit of
In keeping with tradition, the family gathered around the table for Thanksgiving dinner.
In keeping with
The country is on the brink of disaster.
on the brink of
On the ground of safety concerns, the event was cancelled.
On the ground of
In the event of an emergency, please follow the instructions provided by the government.
in the event of
In the interest of public safety, the road will be closed for repairs.
In the interest of
The whole family assembled on the eve of her marriage.
on the eve of
In comparison with her previous job, her new position had better benefits.
In comparison with
On the ground of safety concerns, the event was cancelled.
on the ground of
On the pretence of going to the store, she secretly met her lover.
On the pretense of
With a view to improving her health, she started going to the gym regularly.
with a view to
By dint of hard work, he was able to achieve his goals.
by dint of
I am not in agreement with him on this upcoming project.
in agreement with
In comparison with her previous job, her new position had better benefits.
In comparison with
In connection with the investigation, the police questioned several witnesses.
in connection with
In consequence of the storm, many trees were uprooted and power lines were down.
in consequence of
In consideration of his years of service, he was given a generous retirement package.
in consideration of
In the course of the meeting, several issues were discussed.
in course of
In keeping with his beliefs, he refused to eat meat.
in keeping with
In quest of knowledge, he spent hours reading books and attending lectures.
in quest of
In view of the current situation, we have decided to postpone the event.
In view of
They continued with the outdoor concert, in spite of the rain.
in spite of
In the event of an emergency, please follow the instructions provided by the government.
In the event of
The road will be closed for repairs, in the interest of public safety.
in the interest of
In the teeth of the storm, the brave firefighters battled to save the burning building.
in the teeth of
In the light of new evidence, the investigation was reopened.
In the light of
In order to succeed, one must be willing to work hard and persevere.
In order to
In pursuance of their goals, the team practised diligently every day.
In pursuance of
He left the office in the middle of the discussion.
in the middle of
In proportion to their income, they donated a significant amount to charity.
in proportion to
The athlete was awarded a gold medal, in praise of his accomplishments.
in praise of
She left her job and travelled the world, in pursuit of happiness.
in pursuit of
On account of the heavy snow, the school was closed for the day.
on account of
He could not reach his office on time owing to the late running of trains.
owing to
On the verge of tears, she told him the heartbreaking news.
on the verge of
The company will take legal action, on default of payment.
on default of
Instead of going to the party, she decided to stay home and read a book.
instead of
I signed the receipt on behalf of my mother.
on behalf of
His absence was due to his illness.
due to
In consideration of his years of service, he was given a generous retirement package.
In consideration of
For the sake of his health, he quit smoking and started exercising regularly.
For the sake of
They fought bravely in defence of the country.
in defence of
He always worked in the interest of the entire family.
in the interest of
Men come to New York in quest of livelihood.
in quest of
In spite of his illness, he studies.
In spite of
On behalf of the organization, I would like to thank everyone who contributed to our fundraiser.
On behalf of
The house stands by the side of the river.
by the side of
In consequence of the storm, many trees were uprooted and power lines were down.
In consequence of
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